in Austria, compulsory school starts at the age of 6 and goes on until the age of 15
The first 4 years are spent in elementary school (Volksschule)
Then you attend lower secondary for 4 years again (either a Hauptschule or a Gymnasium)
Then you can choose:
You can continue until the age of 18 and and take your final exam (Matura) after you have finished school. This is called "Oberstufe" (I currently attend one)
you can choose to finish your education after you have had one year of "Polytechnikum"
You usually start working in a company after this (Lehre).
After your matura you can continue to attend an university
If you study for 2 years you become a bachelor
If you study for 4 years you become a master (which was former called "Magister")
After this, you can still choose to make a "Doktoratsstudium"
This will take 2 years too
They are currently altering the education system, so most of this information will be incorrect in about 1-2 years