Thanks for the comments, Ill post my new replays soon.
Originally Posted by
Niceeee the weakness of the beast replay is rly cool the body split is zawsome and 2nd kick was cool but that punch u should edit it(after hiting)
You are going to say " i dont have enough frames :["
then do this. open ur replay with notepad. if ur toribash is like mine there will be something sayng "NEWGAME" and the number 500 on its side. Thats the number of frames. erase that and type the number of frames you want and save changes. open the replay with toribash and caboom it has more frames.
Dont think that Im a beginner in replay haxing, I do that really often(I dont add dm-s etc...)
I know that, thats how I usually change ed, or damage.
and I wont edit that replay, we are going to do a collab with that opener with tengoman.Thanks for the help btw.