Is it really that hard....
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Mar 28, 2008 at 11:38 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

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Geez.... Crazedman, it's just a record. Sure it would be great if your name was there, but, it seems to small of a deal to be crazed about.
ok well i kno its just a record and so i dont really mind, and just to make tonakai happy i wont make a huge speech about this but like spidey said, is it really that hard.
Black Belt
Member of [RWL]
Dont mess with the Crazedman cause... uhh.. hes Crazed
Snokie is the most active out of all of I think, make sure you PM him. Hamster is hardley ever on.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Hey smokie... ne chance you can update that big book of records again?? I just beat his record by editing his replay.

It's completly legal because dafe got most of his records doing it.

Edit:: I got like 69 somthin, but some new thing nabi aadded or somthing won't let me post the replay. If I figure it out later... I will post it.

It comes up with a red bar at the top showing me how much memory I have or somthin so I delted all my old stuff and it went from 15 MB to 1.05 MB and it still won't let me saying I going over the quota of such and such.

EDIT::: Ok here is the replay... please update the book again.
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Mar 29, 2008 at 03:33 PM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Srry for double posting, but I hope my record gets in the book soon, but no rush. Smokie said he would change it.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Originally Posted by Patrick_Unrated View Post
I just beat his record by editing his replay.

It's completly legal because dafe got most of his records doing it.

This is plainly false.


Edit: Also, the speed record was defined as a single tori event, invalidating replays where Uke or another player is used for leverage. Check old threads for the discussion.
Last edited by Dafe; Apr 3, 2008 at 08:13 AM.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."