Actually very well done, spry.

It wasn't stiff at all, the kicks were superb, the timing and power of the kicks at that magnitude were great, and it all just lined up so well.

Nice job!

Loved the spin and kick, but I think the grab was pretty unnecessary. Punch was okay, could've DM'd more though. Pretty short. It's missing something, and I was expecting more out of it. You can do way better. 6/10
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
Loved the spin and kick, but I think the grab was pretty unnecessary. Punch was okay, could've DM'd more though. Pretty short. It's missing something, and I was expecting more out of it. You can do way better. 6/10

Actually the grab did something the boom at the beginning was supposed to lack a decap the grab only helped to get the decap
I enjoyed the replay , I can't say much about it It was a bit grabby in some moments. By the way, the opener was simple, and the first hit looked a bit weak. The first boom also looked pretty weak, but you got 3dm-s there. Although I loved the last boom, it was pretty nice in my opinion.
Also you could have worked more on the stability of the pose, still I liked the replay.
