Will consider it, toritori. By the way, your avatar is just so... random...
I'll get right on it, A0Xr. I might do another version too, perhaps with the eyes as... slits or something. I'll edit this post with the previews later.
Alright, here we go.
I also considered doing some sort of pupil, but couldn't decide. By the way, if you're having trouble deciding I'd be happy to give you all of the ones that you like.. for the price of one! *flashing lights and confetti*.
Little bit of an update on the store, too. I'm going to remove the images for the heads that have already sold to conserve room, but will leave a link to the image. Also, I'm going to start taking requests for body textures soon. Will put up links to examples shortly, if you wanna see NOW then take a look at my Iron Man set (in the Art section) and my attempt on PID666's body texture (in the Requests subforum). I'll be updating the original post with a format for requests soon too.
Last edited by hanz0; Mar 8, 2008 at 05:59 PM.