No not you gorman. Im talking to hippybob. He was refering to europa . The icy moon on saturn.... or jupiter. NOt sure which. Dont feel like looking it up right now.
The First Blade Pierces the Flesh
The Second Blade Pierces the Soul
i also watched on discovery channel that europa is EXTREMELY close to having life on it. i think it's jupiter's moon.

I personnaly used to believe and still do believe that life does exist on other planets (or moons) and let's hope one day we'll be 100% sure of that.
Last edited by EJM; Mar 11, 2011 at 06:49 PM.
uyou think they would invade us one day?
misspell, i meant do you think they would invade us one day?
Last edited by noobytoast; Mar 12, 2011 at 05:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Heh. Assuming life even does make an appearance there, it'll likely be millions to billions (or really, any amount of time, or not at all) of years for them to evolve and invent things to be able to take on any kind of extra planetary exploration, much less conquest.

Not to mention whatever happens to us in that timeframe.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
lol meteorites found here? (I think I'm definately misreading, but o well)
I believe life exists out of this soloar system, and maybe one day we will be 100% sure, and maybe visit them. (or just conquer)

I don't see the point of these articles with these tiny cases of evidence.

It's not like we can actually can determine what that bacteria thing is.
maybe its something on earth, or something that 'accidentally' got in it.
Call me lLlLlLlLl because I spit straight bars when i rap or call me $tr8B@rz
Thoreticly (If the universe is infinite) there is the exact same person typing the exact same thing on a keyboard just like yours somewhere else in the universe. Any variation of life you think of exists, even the smallest variations like a red dot on there back.

There is more life than people can imagine in the universe.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
This seems like one of those things that seems like a bigger deal than it is. il be impressed when i see a live alien of some kind
Doubt we will in our lifetime. I was watching a show that intrigued me on the history channel the other night tho.... They said that in the 50's a film was taken of a couple of U.S. military fighter jets chasing down what appeared to be a Flying saucer. That intrigued me. During the show they also said that most seasoned (Experienced) pilots say that they have seen U.F.O's before but have never reported it because of the chance that they'd be outcasts or unbelieved.
The First Blade Pierces the Flesh
The Second Blade Pierces the Soul
do we even want aliens to appear. Stephen Hawking was right when he said it would basically be like the movie Independence day, except no will smith to save us all