Originally Posted by
Ok i did this at a friends house when he had no internet so thats why it says lolpants not Ripper23
I cannot accep this replay.
It must be by you.
UNLESS you have him verfiy this replay.
Originally Posted by
EDIT:Hmm, i noticed this
And my replay is made with -25 gravity. Can you plz tell why the fuck only -9.84 and -30.00 are allowed? Why not -9.84 to -30.00 ?
the default gravity and -30.00 were the most common.
I will accept this one. But be aware of the
RULES next time.
Originally Posted by
Can I move uke? I'm just gonna hold-all him after I DM his head..
Moving uke before the decap is not allowed.
I would allow you to mave him after the decap is performed.
Originally Posted by
Here is mine.
As said in the rules. The decap must be performed first.
Your replay was good. But its invalid.
Originally Posted by
Meh. I didn't post it on the competition though. I only posted the 3DM boom not the 4DM.
Anyways here's a WIP. Trying to get more DM's.
Your replay is excellent.
This is what I meant by tricks.
The last one is the only one im willing to accept.