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Question to discuss: Prove your own existence, then prove the non-existence of your conversational partner.
Depends on the people, but I got a few laughs out of it.
Look what I've got.
Question to discuss:
Prove your own existence, then prove the non-existence of your conversational partner.
Stranger 2: I think therefore I am, etc, etc
Stranger 2: And I can't prove Strangers existence, etc, etc
Stranger 1: ... ... ... i don't exist.
Stranger 1: there.
Stranger 1: you win.
Stranger 2: Damn
Stranger 1: except
Stranger 1: i exist and you don't.
Stranger 1: now i win.
Stranger 2: So I was right all along, the world is all in my head
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 1: yes. you're really just a dream of some japanese guy.
Stranger 2: :c
Stranger 2 has disconnected