Original Post
New donation

I'm doing a new donation. Just ask something if you don't have it and if you REALLY need it please.

+reps are welcome !

Here are the items :

Aqua DQ (Out of stock) : Kamikaze ***, aipom1994 ***, DaBandito ***, Hurricane ***

Chronos Blood (Out of stock) : BlueJam ***

Chronos DQ

Chronos Force

Chronos Ghost (Out of stock) : Phalanx24 ***

Chronos Primary Gradient

Chronos Relax (Out of stock) : Phalanx24 ***

Chronos Secondary Gradient

Chronos Torso (Out of stock) : swantonbomb88 ***

Gladiator DQ (Out of stock) : BlueJam ***

Gladiator Force

Gladiator Ghost (Out of stock) : swantonbomb88 ***

Gladiator Primary Gradient

Gladiator Relax (Out of stock) : gdaedalus ***

Gladiator Secondary Gradient (Out of stock) : BlueJam ***

Gladiator Torso (Out of stock) : zwenkwiel ***

Orc Primary Gradient (Out of stock) : BlueJam ***

Just post what you want and PM me =)
Last edited by Fyerrblad; Mar 25, 2008 at 01:02 PM.