I would love to be in a clan war but I can't go in-game, because my PC sucks right now, and my notebook's charger doesn't work. :/
Matheus :|
There's no way in hell we coulda beat Silver.
It has all kinds of cool dogs in it, like wwolfer(who knownly raped my ass).
It's All About Expansion
Whats a Silver?

lol'd alot!
also... do u have logs? who with who was playing? and amount of tc... i wasnt there and almost all my clanmates are inactive :Z
USB? What kind of Universal Serial Bus are you a 2.0? :P
I was away when they clanwar 7-6 if I was there.
inb4 Aikido.
Last edited by Azuma; Jun 9, 2011 at 04:54 PM.
main mod of my clan is aikido, so your chances were low from the beginning

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Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion