Original Post
Opener challenge 35


Getting new banner soon!

Got opener, what do?!

Welcome to the 35th Opener Challenge.

You must use the exact opener (attatched) up until frame 400, and do whatever you like from this point onward.

Post your one replay in this thread, and I shall judge the replays. The winners will be the ones who make best use out of the opener.

This week, the opener has been created by Shuckle!

1st - 10k
2nd - 7k
3rd - 3k

The final date for submissions is Sunday, 24th of July

Please take note, this opener is glitched. So we won't judge the replay around that.
Attached Files
Oc35.rpl (27.6 KB, 154 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
Entries are now closed!!

Edit, results:

First place - Larfen - 10k

Second place - Leyz - 7k

Third place - LargeKilla - 3k

Congratulations, sending tc shortly!

Last edited by notnoob; Jul 24, 2011 at 09:40 PM.
Sold my dog to join RRO