Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
For heavy sleepers it's bad.
People who don't wake up even if there was a thunderstorm outside, like me.

For more shallow sleepers it's okay, but there's still a bigger chance to wake up in the middle of the night instead of early.
and there's still the chance that you're too tired to go to the toilet and instead wet your bed.

Too risky. Then again, I have only "tried" it once.

I'm a heavy sleeper through background sounds like loud music or a thunderstorm, or anything. I wake up pretty quickly if someone is in my room talking, though. Is this the same with you? Just curious.

Originally Posted by dista View Post
I have like 20 alarms on my iPhone, each 5 minutes apart from each other.

My subconscious turns them all off and I sleep another 2 hours.

Originally Posted by Umbre View Post
My Dad just walks in and rips the blanket of me, I slept naked once... Never doing it again.

Sleep naked every time, see who stops first. It's like chicken, but with little boy parts. Also sleeping naked feels nice so it's not my fault if someone comes in and sees something.
There's no way in fuck i'm waking up before 9am unless i either : Smell something good, or my parents make me, or something wierd happens and i'm like "derp i'm having a dream, but i can hear things in the real world" and I snap awake.

Usually if i need to wake up before 9am i just set an alarm on my phone.
Downloaded an alarm app.

It makes me solve some sort of math problem to turn off my alarm.

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The old-fashioned way - a rooster!

No, I use what's called an 'alarm clock'.

I never wake up immediately, though, I just hit the snooze button and then I eventually wake up.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today
My sister comes in and tries to wake me up, i Bitchslap her, and then my mom comes into the room and punches me for bitchslapping my sister ):
God is dead
Just a basic alarm clock, ten feet away from my bed. Once I get out of bed to shut it off I'm awake, no arguments from my subconscious.
Have your parents trick you that your going on a vacation and have to wake up at 8:00
for example, you'll wake up like one minute before. Thats what happens to me
its kinda weird
hmm to set a certin time like 6am will take a bit i easy method is first stay up 1 whole day drinking tea coffee anything to keep you up then goto bed realy early and wake up at 6 then it will be easy to goto bed at around 10-11 or earlyer and wake up earlyer