Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Although I do love the word "biasly."

Me too!

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Illegal activities are themselves unethical. What you seem to be forgetting is that what Anonymous does is outlawed, and that they are trying to dictate their laws to businesses.

Hm, I have to disagree with you there. Illegal activities can be ethical, and legal activities can be unethical. I guess that is why there are separate words for them.

Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Lots of words, but what you are really saying is "why the fuck is Anon sticking their nose where they really have no business"

America has a habit of looking out for businesses rather than the people.

I have no problem with vigilantes that do what the government should.
I did hear of this earlier, but this is not an official Anonymous Operation. It's just a guy that made a video with which he tries to get people to join in.

Also, seeing as facebook is pretty protected, the only thing they can really do is DDoS, which will theorettically maybe get it offline for hours to days. The problem with this is that facebook is used to a lot of traffic, therefore has a lot of servers. I don't think anything is going to happen, really.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Originally Posted by Meamme0 View Post
I did hear of this earlier, but this is not an official Anonymous Operation. It's just a guy that made a video with which he tries to get people to join in.

Also, seeing as facebook is pretty protected, the only thing they can really do is DDoS, which will theorettically maybe get it offline for hours to days. The problem with this is that facebook is used to a lot of traffic, therefore has a lot of servers. I don't think anything is going to happen, really.

Facebook has had it's share of vulnerabilities.
Hi I'm Ravenger/brorave.
I was SMod before and then I got perma-banned.
meamme0 is right DDos wouldnt work


IT's Not Anon

If anybody took anytime at all to investigate anonymous is telling everyone they arent hacking facebook

Anonymous attacking social networks is like america attacking saudi oil fields
back from the dead
Originally Posted by Wik View Post
meamme0 is right DDos wouldnt work


IT's Not Anon

If anybody took anytime at all to investigate anonymous is telling everyone they arent hacking facebook

Anonymous attacking social networks is like america attacking saudi oil fields

Except for the youtube video. And every single website on the internet is vulnerable to ddos attacks.
Hi I'm Ravenger/brorave.
I was SMod before and then I got perma-banned.
Originally Posted by Wik View Post
Anonymous attacking social networks is like america attacking saudi oil fields

Facebook is fundamentally the arch enemy of Anon...
iam not going to brag like hell but,i think my brother and sister knows one of the guy at anon.i think they call one of the guys chip (just telling and they already meet and stuff)
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots
Actually anonymous in the video say that facebook sell information and that true in my opinion and if they wanna hack facebook they can just do it cause they have there reason.

Personnaly i dont think they will suceed but if you look another case of them :scientology they are on that since 08 so i think they could do it

and like some ppl said uper its not Anon its a guyys that want other anonymous to join him but i doubt they can do it mark zogerburg(or whatever its spelled) will not stay like that.
If they hack it, I will be happy(I have facebook too),cause I don't want to anybody see my fotos,phone number and another information ...They said right - Facebook know about you better then your familly...
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Illegal activities are themselves unethical.


Ask me why.

Originally Posted by DooomByte View Post
Facebook has the information on the size of privates of every individual on this planet, and Anonymous will not tolerate it. Anonymous are attacking Facebook because they know what's in their pants. Your surfing habits, which Facebook is acutely aware of, easily indicates your age, gender and also the size of the tool in your trousers. Facebook has the information on the size of privates of every individual on this planet, and Anonymous will not tolerate it. Anonymous are attacking Facebook because they know what's in their pants.It is a disgrace they stopped so low.


Originally Posted by PLACEH0LDER View Post

Facebook has had it's share of vulnerabilities.

I think Anon would be better off if they hacked Facebook incognito, placed new code into the servers which qualifies persons for bounties, then expose them and let the bounties be reaped by the thousands.

Responsible Disclosure Bounty (USD 500) awarded to those who:
- Report a bug that could compromise the integrity or privacy of Facebook user data, such as:

      Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
      Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF/XSRF)
      Remote Code Injection
- Reside in a country not under US sanction
Currently in agreement with Gorman on all accounts.
Last edited by ShadoDance; Aug 15, 2011 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Addition of thoughts
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))