Ok, I'll explain the whole thing in details, although, keep in mind that things I'm telling now could be changed if this 'event' ever enters the opening hall. :}
Firstly, I though that idea to have every official clan on the map would be extra nice. But, as I run the numbers, seeing that we are having +50 clans (around 95 is the sum) this thing would became a leviathan of disaster! :] So, having smaller number of clans participating is plain and simple: only way this would ever work. Not to mention that the map would be behemoth, even when I considered to make smaller parts connected with portals. (eh, that damn Rift :P)
Now, about how is this 'played'. Thing is simple: We have a limited number of open spots, enough to populate the world with the clan states. They get 1 to 3 colored territories, depending on their rank on the ToriClan page. Every clan member that is participating gets the colored flag and the new status under his avatar called: Clan Wealth.
Then the event starts. And clans do what they always do. Linger on forum or they play ingame etc. The thing is nothing really happens until one of these clans start to expand his territory and get more ToriClan points and wealth.
There is no income in points until war starts! War is starting economies and keeps them going, what can I say.. :P
Some clan will attack some another clan in regular Clan War and then the whole thing will start. We all know how the CWs are conducted. I'll just explain the process in this event:
One clan initiate a CW against another clan that is positioned anywhere on map. [So you are not limited by your place on the map, you don't have to walk respecting boundaries. You can jump from your state and attack any other state.]
Then 3 things can happen:
1. Clans fight, attacker won the fight and he gets that territory and 3 ToriClan points, losing clan lose his territory and 1 ToriClan point (this gets updated on the ToriClan page)
2. Clan fights, attacker lose. The winner gets 2 ToriClan points but he doesn't get any territory. The losing clan lose one territory in that way that it become the neutral territory, and they lose 1 ToriClan point.
3. The defending clan doesn't want to have CW with the attacking clan. In that case, attacking clan is putting one token on the territory that is in possession of the clan they attacked. Now the ToriClan income from that territory will go to the attacking clan, as long the defenders are not wanting to CW with them.
At the end of every 2 weeks or 1 month (that is still in discussion) you get 1 ToriClan point for every territory you own.
Time progress for few months. At the end of this event, the one (or 2, 3...) clans that have the most territories will get some prize. Probably some big thing, like user-titles image or something, idk, that is also in discussion.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Sep 3, 2011 at 06:28 PM.