War's Blackbelt Battle #1 - Mud Wrestling
Hey there! This is my first tourney, and I would like to see a good turnout. So, I'll offer a nice prize.
Where: Server #4
When: Sunday, May 4. 0300 GMT(7pm West USA, 10pm East USA)
What: Mud Wrestling
Matchframes: 400
Turnframes: 50
Mod: Classic
Flags: 2
DM: 200
Frac: Off
Dojo-Type: 1
Dojo-Size: 250
Engagedistance: 80
Disqualification: 0
Prize: Any Item under 50ktc(No pure, elf, demon unless you meet Qi requirements)
Host: War_Hero, with help from AaronSasori
Special thanks to Shogan for being awesome.
Last edited by War_Hero; May 4, 2008 at 03:46 AM.