Secret Santa 2024
If u lie to me i will kill u with my sword if u tell me the truth i will kill u with a spell. What do u have to say to stay alive ?


found this one in skyrim>yellow book of riddles
I found this on a post by someone else a long time ago in the off-topic thread (Can't remember who)

I'm 20 years old and i can't get a better job than at a fast food place; it's the only place that will hire a high school graduate. i'm socially awkward, and my only co-worker hates me. i'd complain, but my boss only cares about money. i'd leave, but i can't pass my drivers test, or any test i've ever taken. i'm in love with one of my only friends. she's a smart, athletic, gorgeous southern belle. but, i'm stuck in the friend zone. my only other friend is this guy, who i'm pretty sure only talks to me, because he's mentally retarded. and to top it off, I live in a pineapple under the sea.

Answer (Pretty Obvious)

Dose is dead.
What is strong during the day but is dead during the night and keeps you warm during day and is useless during the night


Saw my 1st riddle was already used :P so I edited
Last edited by Toon; Nov 19, 2011 at 05:10 PM.
what come's in and goes.things which are red and white,good and bad.things from the past, or maybe the future.its sometimes sad and other times happy sometimes boring other exciting.its something every one have. some people enjoy it others don't. for me i dont like it a bit. for it remind me of myself and how i was treated and i treated others

take a guess before opening(very obvious though maybe.)

reason for this riddle

I'm back

What does enter in a deep hole, dry, and leaves it wet and hard?

U never will know that :P

Originally Posted by socado1 View Post
I'm back

What does enter in a deep hole, dry, and leaves it wet and hard?

U never will know that :P

Was gonna guess Vagina lmao