Really nice, it was a bit stiff at some parts.
And it looked strange when you was messing around with your foot in the pose.
The flips and corkscrew was awesome!
the run looked okay the jump over the first wall was cool
and i like how you ran down the 2 bars but
after that part it got sloppy
you lost lots of spaeed and didnt have good recovery
nothing after the 2 bars looked good
Swexxelite:your good at destroying uke
Huggys: thank you
Pretty much what Huggys said.
The jump and run looked totally ok.
The run on the bars was awesome.
I do like the part afterwards but the first part was best.
I like the vault and the run on the bar like the others said
the side flip was also nice but you lost some momentum doing that
and the pose would've been better if you we're standing not kneeling like that