Christmas Lottery
I'm not sure, I have the whole day free so I might be able to finish it.

A little update:

Moar updates:
Last edited by Bright; Jan 22, 2012 at 07:12 PM.
Ok, good to see the progression, and it looks nice.

I'll pm the rest of you in several hours or so to see if those whom are still on the list are attempting this.

Edit: This is only minor, but:

Also; If you've already done so much that you can't add anything else then don't worry about this, but there are three 'lights' on the front of its forehead.
Last edited by Deuteria; Jan 23, 2012 at 06:57 AM.
No thank you zGh05t...

I'm not really sure, Bright, just do what you think might look good.

Vog is supposedly the other one who is also trying this.

Edit: Ok, I've bought Charmon's head. That leaves yours, Bright.
Last edited by Deuteria; Jan 24, 2012 at 08:48 AM.