Why I'm going to be absent: Getting as far away from this house as I can.
I shall be gone for: Ten days
And shall be back by: 23/04/12
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
I wish you good luck.
Probably more luck than Kamura ]:D

Last edited by Kamura; Apr 22, 2012 at 12:05 PM.
Back, at long last.

Who missed me?
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
Welcome back, I'd like to know what happened after getting away from your house, but lets talk about it in the IRC.
Frost is pretty cool
If you wish to know what happened, I would not mind explaining, be warned that it's depressing.
The depressing moment when you realize Satan and 'The Devil' are apt personal descriptions...
Why I'm going to be absent: I'm going on a school trip.
I shall be gone for: 3 days, starting Wednesday.
And shall be back by: Next Sunday.
Frost is pretty cool