Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
Obama thinks it's cool, Christianity did not invent the concept of religion, the denial of gay rights is a denial of human rights and thus is oppressive.

Christians are immoral people. To draw a simple parallel; would you say criminals are effectively immoral people, since they break the social conventions of society? I would say so. Most states do not allow criminals to vote (approx 2.5% of the voting population are disallowed because of their convictions), so why should Christians be allowed to vote?

Why am I even arguing that Christians should not be allowed to vote? Because it displays something very interesting; many people consider Christians to be as morally corrupt as criminals - if not more so! (for example, Hitler was a Christian, and he attributed his genocide of the Jewish people to be due to his interpretation of Christianity. While most Christians won't go that far, they do still hate homosexuals, women, science, and based on the odds, they probably hate you too!).

In other words, Christians have irrational hate for most people. But even if they do hate all things maybe they have good reason to, right? Well actually, that isn't how the brain works. You see, most Christians have been indoctrinated from a young age, or even if they have been later in life, it has been the result of much brain-washing. One of the core tenants of Christianity is to simply accept the beliefs of those above you without question (be it God, Jesus, the Pope, or the local boy-loving pastor). A human brain can easily assimilate an opinion, however if someone asks the owner of said brain to explain why they hold that belief, they will not answer "no particular reason", they will instead try to justify it - but since they are merely mimicking the opinions of those above them, they don't know the reasoning! This is "reverse chaining", working backwards from the conclusion to derive the hypothesis. Of course, this leads to ridiculous logic - "adam and eve, not adam and steve", "marriage is sacred", "it is an abomination for a man to lay with another man". Of course, if you "forward chain" (use the evidence to derive conclusions) then you can come to other conclusions - "incest is the way of God!", "divorce is far worse than gay marriage!", "selling your daughters as slaves is a great way to make income!". Of course, even for these ridiculous conclusions there are people who believe them too! (Ok, there probably aren't many people who sell their daughters as slaves in the west!)

To sum up, do we even need to respond to the arguments of brain-washed zombies (ironicly, I am using 'zombie' with a different meaning to the meaning that describes their savior Jesus) who don't even understand their own opinions?
RayA75's Moderated Message:
Ok :(
Last edited by Ray; May 19, 2012 at 03:56 PM.
I'll take this as an opportunity to clarify somethings I'd like to have a better idea on.

From what I can remember, the Bible only mentions homosexual relationships in the form of the Sodomites. Yet sodomy and homosexuality are entirely different things. So I'm wondering two things. One, is homosexuality actually outright mentioned in the Bible, rather than sodomy? Two, am I taking a modern interpretation of the definition of sodomy, and that sodomy and homosexuality were synonymous at the time of the Bible's writing?

From what I know, I've only seen the religious argument, at least from the Christian side, seem to hold little foundation with fundamental scripture and more so with personal ideology on morality. I'm just trying to see if my knowledge is incomplete in some way, or if my reasoning is justified.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by Oracle;5499792
From what I can remember, the Bible only mentions homosexual relationships in the form of the Sodomites.

Even in apologetics, this is an unsure point. Debates go on about whether the sin of the Sodomites were that for hedonism, rape, or simply they were inhospitable to guests who turned out to be angels (this would be due to a recent war).


Also, there is a scripture verse in Corinthians that mentions homosexuality.

"1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

I shall address this later.

Yet sodomy and homosexuality are entirely different things. So I'm wondering two things. One, is homosexuality actually outright mentioned in the Bible, rather than sodomy?

I believe that sodomy is only mentioned in the Old Testament, while the only reference to homosexuality in the New Testament is above.

Two, am I taking a modern interpretation of the definition of sodomy, and that sodomy and homosexuality were synonymous at the time of the Bible's writing?

It is possible, but still the debate rages on about Sodom's sin.

From what I know, I've only seen the religious argument, at least from the Christian side, seem to hold little foundation with fundamental scripture and more so with personal ideology on morality. I'm just trying to see if my knowledge is incomplete in some way, or if my reasoning is justified.

I don't really think you made a point. Proper theses are hard to come by nowadays, but I will present mine right now:

The argument concerning Christianity's position on homosexuality is as follows:
Homosexuality is a temptation along the lines of hedonism, that it only exists for pleasure, as we interpret it in the Bible. This makes homosexuality immoral, and no government should condone it.

My argument is as follows:
Modern sexuality has a very different dimension to it than marriages in the Bible's time, it is romantic. Nowadays, we marry because we love each other. We also have reason to believe that homosexuality is genetic and natural, and that a man and another man or a woman and another woman can actually legitimately love each other and devote themselves to one another; just like heterosexual relationships and marriages. This means that we cannot make over-arching laws condemning homosexuality just because some may be simply hedonistic, just as it can be with heterosexuality.

Now, let's consider that verse from Corinthians: "1 Corinthians 6:9 - 10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."

I use hedonism a lot in this post and my other ones. If you haven't googled it yet, I'll define it here.
Hedonism is a school of thought which argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good.[1] In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).
So what Paul of Tarsus lays out and condemns in the passage is not homosexuality or fornication, but hedonism. Hedonism was rampant in ancient Rome and Corinth, and that was what Paul was addressing.

Had Paul known that two people of the same gender can fall in love, devote themselves to one another, raise children, and be properly functioning members of society, do you really think he would have condemned it?

I certainly don't.

And does this mean that the Bible is wrong?

No. Hedonism is still immoral and an imbalanced life style. The Bible is not wrong about that; and that is all the Bible addresses.

The Bible just does not apply to modern homosexuality or sexuality in general.
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The following is the most commonly quoted passage on the subject of homosexuality;
Originally Posted by Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.


Modern Christians interpret this to mean anything from "all gays must die" to "gays shouldn't be allowed to marry".

However much of the old testament is subverted by Jesus, for example the story of Jesus and the adulterer. Since the old testament is all about killing people for arbitrary reasons, and the new testament is mostly about being nice to other people (there is still some stuff about arbitrary murder of course!), so Christians have a tendency to pick and choose, ignoring or acknowledging in a sort of "divine confirmation bias".

EDIT: By the way, the word "sodomy" was coined after the bible was written. It's not like they said "Oh look at Sodom, all the Sodomites are doing so much sodomy!".
Last edited by ImmortalCow; May 20, 2012 at 04:50 AM.
Gorman: Since people will probably actually think you're making points, I'm going to go ahead and reply.

Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
The following is the most commonly quoted passage on the subject of homosexuality;


Modern Christians interpret this to mean anything from "all gays must die" to "gays shouldn't be allowed to marry".

Basically, yes. Unfortunately, they would be out of context and incorrect.

However much of the old testament is subverted by Jesus, for example the story of Jesus and the adulterer.

Jesus subverts the Old Testament because he was breaking down cultural divides. He was setting down a moral rule set based on love and happiness. This will make more sense in a little bit when I address what the Old Testament is.

Since the old testament is all about killing people for arbitrary reasons,

The Old Testament was about killing people for arbitrary reasons because it was meant to be a strict cultural divide. The Jews were being set apart from all other people in their time who accepted such practices and were lenient to them.

and the new testament is mostly about being nice to other people (there is still some stuff about arbitrary murder of course!),

Where is that again?

so Christians have a tendency to pick and choose, ignoring or acknowledging in a sort of "divine confirmation bias".

Where is this term defined? Certainly not here.
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Originally Posted by footside View Post
For those saying 'it's been around for a long time so it should be okay' or 'it's natural' or anything along those lines... There are tons of things that have been around for a long time, that we would not necessarily want in our society. Just because crime has been around for a long time, does that mean we should accept it? Why not just take away all those crime laws, since crime is a natural thing that has been around for a long time? Along the lines of homosexuality being natural, how could something natural cause a disease such as AIDS?
I'm in no way saying I'm extremely educated on this subject, but from my point of view, it seems to do more harm than good, 'love' or not.

It isn't really fair to compare something as innocent as wanting choosing who you love to the many different subjects of 'crime'. Crime in a sense is a very broad term extending from anything that the state/country/providence decides is just generally "bad thing" From misdemeanors such as jaywalking, to the high level crimes such as murder. How can we compare love to murder?

It's also unfair to blame gays for the creation of AIDS. It's generally been kept around as a 'gay disease' because homophobes refusing to learn otherwise. Take a look at a couple of these articles written by MD Alan Cantwell

Origin of AIDS

Along with many other articles that explain and procure evidence that aids was a result of "hepatitis B vaccine experiments (1978-1981) using gay men as guinea pigs." You say that you aren't educated on the subject, so, maybe it's time to start learning.

I also think that this argument may be starting to lean against attacks on religion. Rather than the discussion at hand.
Last edited by floop78; May 20, 2012 at 04:59 AM.
<Swyne> <3 Fleip
Gay Marriage is, how should i say, banned? in Australia, i think people should be able to commit and marry the people they love, even IF they are gay, why would you take the rights away from someone to marry the person they wish to share all their love with? It would be like taking away love itself. And i think the reason gay marriage is banned in places, especially Australia, is because all the Olden Day guys (wasn't sure what to call them) in the Government that are still in it today, think that Gay marriage, becuase they were around when things were run by Christianity and such. I heard that in the olden days people got BASHED for being Gay, How the FUCK can you help who you are?

That's all I have to say. Thanks

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
My Opinion
~I don't approve of gay marriage. I was raised where a man and a woman married. It grosses me out to see two men/women together so I guess in a way I'm slightly homophobic
~I support it nonetheless because it isn't my life decision to get married to the same sex. Even though I said I didn't approve of it, I believe that if two people would really want to do such a thing (ew ), they should have the right to.
Also I don't understand why people fight so strongly against this in order to control a homosexual life style. They fight as if they're being forced to marry the same sex.

[✓] Obama
[✓] Legal Gay Marriage
Meh Ray what a boring reply, it seemed like you were going to disagree with me considering how many quotes you used, but all you did was agree...
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Jesus subverts the Old Testament because he was breaking down cultural divides. He was setting down a moral rule set based on love and happiness. This will make more sense in a little bit when I address what the Old Testament is.

ja obviously, that's what I said...
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
The Old Testament was about killing people for arbitrary reasons because it was meant to be a strict cultural divide. The Jews were being set apart from all other people in their time who accepted such practices and were lenient to them.

ja obviously, that's what I said...
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Where is that again?

You are asking me where in the bible it says to kill people for arbitrary reasons..?
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Where is this term defined? Certainly not here.

Where is what term defined? I used like 18 words in that that sentence... More specific pl0xx.
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
No. That doesn't even apply.

That would only be the case of homosexuality was intrinsically wrong.

How could heterosexuality cause all other stds? How could sexuality at all cause any disease?
im a bit confused on this one.

You cannot outlaw something simply because "It works for society better".
Why not? If 9/10 of society hates it do you think it will be passed? Even if it does get passed do you think society won't mock them?

People genuinely have romantic interest in people of their own gender. This is not a choice, and cannot change with the flip of a switch.
In some cases, not all. You just can't say every gay person was born with those genetics. I do believe some were born that way, I'm not gonna lie.

More so than you would like to see a man and a woman sitting next to you kissing each other?
eh, you got me there

Because it is a law that changes lives of people just like you.

And being gay is intrinsically bad?
Yes, considering that the law hasn't been passed yet.


Or because he is more accepting of others than you are?

Because its almost voting season and that other guy is pretty close to him.

Sorry you feel that way.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The amount of ignorance displayed is rather appalling...

One, homosexuality is genetic, not a choice. Homosexuals are aware of their homosexuality from a young age, something that would not be evident if it were a choice, as sexual interest only develops around age 10 for most people. Homosexuals are aware of their difference as early as 6. Homosexuals also have similar fingerprint patterns to those of the opposite gender, more so than heterosexuals of the same gender. Homosexuality increases in prevalence among consecutive male siblings, with the first male having roughly a 3-4% of being homosexual, and an increased chance of 1% for all subsequent male births of being homosexual. And those are just a few examples of evidence supporting genetic influence. In fact, all evidence points towards homosexuality being genetic rather than choice.

This is not in every single case! Not all of it is genetics. Yes, some are genetic.

Likewise, two, homosexuality is not passed on like some disease from one person to another. Adoptive children of homosexual couples are no more likely to become homosexual than children raised in a traditional family. If anything, the only visible difference that has been observed is that children who grow up raised by a homosexual couple exhibit greater empathy and tolerance than children who grow up in a traditional family. Small sample but, if it holds true with the population, then there's no reason to oppose adoption by a homosexual couple.

If children are raised in a gay environment they are more likely to turn gay.You have no idea how much children are influenced by their environment. Children from a parent that smokes is very likely to smoke. The real question should be: Whats wrong with a homosexual son, and that is what we are debating: "what is your stand on gay people".
Last edited by EmpireSlay; May 20, 2012 at 02:53 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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