Christmas Lottery
Hamachi is definitely the easiest method if you don't know much about ports, it's just everyone needs to have it and connect to each other :/
But, Hamachi isn't quite the best method when it comes to connection and latency.
Frost is pretty cool
Try this on hamachi, maybe it'll work.
Network ID: [raku]
Password: Tea
This is also the server ip:
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Well, I'll try. But, I might have to re-install hamachi. So, maybe you could leave the server one till I get in?

Also, raku IRC, gogogo.
Frost is pretty cool
My server is screwed again, other users can't seem to warp.
It gives the "You don't have permission to use that command"
I'm using bukkit by the way.

It's fixed! ;)
Kamura, can you suggest more plugins, I find my server to be a bit boring.
And my server will be running all day.

NEW NETWORK (But same world, of course)
Network I.D: TeaSippingWorld
Password: 123

It is a newer one because I had problems with the old hamachi network.sorry
Last edited by GLaD0S; Jun 1, 2012 at 09:43 AM.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Heroes plugin, all the way.
I can give you my hero class files, if you'd like.

And I suggest you enable survival mode, with creepers and zombies.
Frost is pretty cool
Yea, survival is on, and I found a shitload of zombies on my tree hotel.
But I'm about to change that.
I will be installing the zone-protection-plugin.
Definitely not Josh Lintag
Great server Glados! Least lag i've had in a server
Just waiting for Star to get his ass in here