I don't think we would exist compared to the bad assery that animals used to be. Right now, we have pansy ass animals that used to be really fucking cool, such as Giraffes. They used to have huge antlers for maiming and goring the other giraffes, but now look at them, they just have mini nubs. Now all they can do is swing there heads at high speed without the antlers.
We wouldn't have enough time to properly create a society because we would be in danger a hell of a lot more than we were 2000-10,000 years ago.
Oh yeah, by the way. The meteor striking wasn't a singular event. It was the meteorite, sea levels raising, Earthquakes, super volcanoes,and a massive dust storm after the initial hit and then followed by an Ice Age.
Any large land animal during the ravenous Earth would most likely not survive because of their calorie count is way to high to be efficient
Kingben: God pretty much came from no where and he's sentient and omniscient. Hur. That sounds highly unlikely compared to non thinking elements and that poofed into existence and started to bond with each other because the way Nature is through out every universe.
It all has a set of rules that everything within it has to follow, but those laws could be bent, but to you I guess it's breaking gods rules. Is it not?
I understand God, but I think I percieve god differently and not a thinking being swaying our lives, sometimes killing us or sometimes favoring others. I see it as an omniscient non thinking law and just because it simply is, it needs not to think, but pushes time and everything else in the order it's supposed be to be and everything that happens within this universe is inherent and not given to us because we are blessed or something.
Life isn't a privaledge. It's the inherence of life.
Last edited by T0ribush; Jun 19, 2012 at 09:39 AM.