Ok.... So being buds with tripstone aside. I think this comes down to the fact that ppl like trip and a lot of other ppl (me included) who have played this game for hours on end, and worked very hard to get to the belt we are at.... The game is set up in a scale of belts, when the buying of qi was put in the game the belt system really becomes worthless, which is kinda sad really based on how many games i've personally played, other ppl get that same benefit in two min. That being said, i can see someone like trip getting upset about a qi purchaser, and voicing an opinion. And the dude got insulted and caused a fuss. This person bought his experience, he needs to get pushed around a bit for it. I also know some ppl dislike trip and that's fine. But give him a break he's played this game as long as anyone i know, i feel you should earn a get out of jail free card. Sorry for long msg