Originally Posted by jisse View Post
Agreed with Silent.
I don't like how the katana sticks out between the letters either.

Ahw, I liked how it weaved through all the letters ;-;

No matter, I'll get cracking on a new banner now.


Last edited by SilentAssassin; Aug 12, 2012 at 07:52 PM.
i like it but the shourikens didnt look like they were in the letters.. you should erase the end of the shourikens where they is blood so it could look more realistic and draw some blood on them so it will get an effect like splattering blood
otherwise its awesome
Originally Posted by Dzajko56 View Post
i like it but the shourikens didnt look like they were in the letters.. you should erase the end of the shourikens where they is blood so it could look more realistic and draw some blood on them so it will get an effect like splattering blood
otherwise its awesome

Or add some 3D effects like shadows. Also the shourikens look quite much 2D.
I think thats one of the main problems. You could try to make them 3D yourself with using a small brush and a dark grey as color. I'm not too sure how it would look tho.
That would probably look really cheesy. I put drop shadows in to add a little bit of depth, but really that's all I think I can feasibly do.
I don't really like how the banner looks a bit cartoon-ish. I mean, it doesn't fit our image. Because I think Hunters is a pretty serious clan. More serious than most clans.
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