Nabi Muay Thai Replay Competition
In this replay competition I'd like you to do some stuff most of you aren't experienced with. Since elbow and knee attacks are very common in Muay Thai you are only allowed to dismember/fracture Uke with your elbow / knee.
Don't worry if you don't get the dismemberment. If the motion is very good and everything is awesome it is still better than a mediocre replay with a break.
You can either do fast and short moves, go for madmans or set up interesting moves. It's up to you.
Each plarticipant is allowed to submit 4 replays.
Please name your replays 'name - entry x' and keep them in one thread.
The prize for this competition will be
1st 30k
2nd 12.5k
3rd 7.5k
The last entries are accpeted in 7 days (3rd July 15 GMT).
Keep in mind, Quality beats Quantity and nograb is always a + but breaking your own elbow/knee is a -.
or Fracture has to be on. Threshold should be at least 100.
Have fun and enjoy.
Here are 3 replays as example.
Last edited by NutHug; Jun 28, 2008 at 11:57 AM.