It depends on the nature of the relationship if anything. If you view someone as a friend, it is much harder to be physically attracted to them in comparison to someone you experience love for.

Love, viewed from a Darwinian perspective, is basically an evolutionary and survival based mechanism, like many others, that is designed to push you in the right direction. The way it works is very similar to fear.

Why do you approach a woman you like? Evolutionarily speaking, you do it to stick your penis in her and make babies. Even the process of sex is designed to get you to reproduce as much as possible. Why is sex so fun? To influence you to have more of it and make babies.

Why are you stricken by fear when faced by a tremendous height or a cobra or darkness, and other stuff, and why are your physical abilities altered accordingly? One bad step and you're fucked by the height, the cobra can bite you and kill you so the fear pushes you away from it, and your eyes widen and other changes occur that enable you to an extent to get away from possible dangers in the dark.

It isn't a coincidence. Humans that don't experience those are broken, in a sense. We are guided by our 'coding', and how well it works solely depends on the environment it is deployed in. From what I understand, to some degree, it can mutate and adapt, according to what the needs for survival are, but, it still rotates around several prime objectives.

Not to suggest long distance relationships are bad or anything, we just aren't naturally inclined to participate in one. They came along with the rising popularity of the internet. Not that there weren't any before, but, they were far lower in number.

I can write an essay analyzing how the principles work in long distance relationships, but, whats the point, it'd just be a waste of time writing. Feel free to do whatever you want, consider this to be a scientific hydeservation.
Hyde is correct, listen to him.


Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Why do you approach a woman you like? Evolutionarily speaking, you do it to stick your penis in her and make babies. Even the process of sex is designed to get you to reproduce as much as possible. Why is sex so fun? To influence you to have more of it and make babies.

I already said that like 8 times :P
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
A tl;dr version of my post:

<Hyde> "love isn't about sex, durrhurr"
<Hyde> why the fuck do you think you're attracted to her then, dumbass
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
A tl;dr version of my post:

<Hyde> "love isn't about sex, durrhurr"
<Hyde> why the fuck do you think you're attracted to her then, dumbass

"Oh because she has a great personality hurr"
"I like this ugly chick because of her mind, not body, herpaderpa"

1. tubgirl with a great personality = no, there's always a looks factor.
2. Chances are, she isn't ugly; just not a model. Beauty is subjective in terms of big butts, wide thighs, etc, not being 500 pounds overweight and having zits, no one likes those people due to our DNA being programed to tell our brains to want to reproduce with those of superior physical strength and glands. Natural selection, baby.

Just gonna leave that there just in case...
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
I feel that if your relationship is SOLEY on sex, things won't turn out too good in the end. Now not to say that sex isn't important, I mean there are people who practice abstience but know one day sex WILL enter the equation. I like to think self-control is accountable for the reason people don't fuck everything on sight.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by Agentmax View Post
I feel that if your relationship is SOLEY on sex, things won't turn out too good in the end. Now not to say that sex isn't important, I mean there are people who practice abstience but know one day sex WILL enter the equation. I like to think self-control is accountable for the reason people don't fuck everything on sight.

The reason why we don't fuck everything on site, walk around naked, etc, is because society has subliminally and subconciously programmed "do's" and "don't's"

Technically speaking, walking around naked is nothing to be ashamed of; we see it as a shameful act due to how humanity evolved a "pop culture" trait.

We try to distance ourselves from what is natural by using technology and tools to alienate ourselves from our surroundings. Since we have clothes, and we're over-populated, walking around naked and fucking everything is "unnecesary" and therefore bad.

So yeah, we've basically taken advantage of sex, and combined it with natural socializing to form "dating".
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I think I'm a little naive, but, are relationships really that dependent on sex?

no, they rely on intimacy and compatibility.
sex ticks most of the boxes involved with intimacy, but its not necessarily what its all about.
Sex is a want, if you dont give people what they want, they get frustrated and the relationship deteriorates untill the intimacy is gone and the relationship fails.
Depends on the couples libido. If one side thinks that theyr having too much sex, to the point where it becomes a problem, then the couple is not compatible.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
viewed from a Darwinian perspective, is basically an evolutionary and survival based mechanism

Darwins theory of love is a bit outdated.
Having children is not a survival mechanism anymore, so it cant really be applied to most relationships anymore.
It may still be a unconscious instinct, but I guess its alot more superficial now, more about being appreciated, wanted, needed, a need to bond etc.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Me and my girlfriend is in a long distance right now, i dont know if ill break up with her or just wait for me to comeback, she's really cute and nice, but i doubt she's cheating on me
Well honestly that doesn't count for squat any girl will do anything if the right temptation is set before her, besides all of these theories, assumptions, and trying to predict human nature etc. It's all irrelevant in the end because you can't factor in things like new people in the other persons life, a drunk accident, losing interest etc.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos
Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Zayex, basing a relationship on only sex will not make a good relationship.
Also, Korean girls aren't exactly like American girls. Nice job if you actually manage to have intercourse with one if you're not in a steady relationship or married. I don't think she would like to get banished from society.

I never had an online relationship but I don't think it's a bad thing, although a lot of people see it as wrong/unethical when you would ask them about it.


anyways, I think it is okay as long as you don't go too far. I have seen weird shit caused by these, so just be careful.