what about 20k?
256 Chest/Breast [S] Offer?
Full 128 for 27k, send if yes
no cancel my offer, 17k for all deac.
18k is the 2 256x256 texture man 5k is the minihawk... I'm not an idiot so will you buy it or not?
dq 128 ? 14k is deal.
how much for full 128x128?
Dq isnt 128x128, u are talking about the ground 128, its 17 k on the market, dq texture is 38 k on the market, Sry for off topic.
What Alec said its not a ground text its a DQ text. Now try again
Kauds, That's 1/4 of the original price. Could we Trade with 2 other 256 then?