Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
I have read numerous posts of his and each of them are usually just saying the opposite of what other people say.

I didn't realize I was the only person to oppose legalization of cannabis.
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
And seriously, what the fuck does random selection have to do with smoking a joint?

Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
I really hope you are either retarded or trolling because that is one of the stupidest things i have ever read.

> disagreeing with legalization of cannabis makes you a retarded or troll
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
I really hope ImmortalCow actually starts to think before he posts because he is only annoying people with his unintelligent responses.

> can't counter arguments? Just call the other person a retarded unintelligent troll
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
Neil deGrasse Tyson. Carl Sagan. Steve Jobs. Stephen Jay Gould. Francis Crick. Margaret Mead. Kary Mullis. Oliver Sacks. Sergey Brin. Richard Feynman.

There's your intellectual smokers. Is it a logical fallacy if I answer your query with this list?

Yes, you are still committing the texas sharpshooter fallacy.

I suggest you look it up if you don't know what it means, instead of randomly guessing.
This is getting heated*grabs popcorn*

What's your thoughts on the whole school thing with this turtlenecks?

I think that it's fair to keep the growers away from schools and public areas. However that still means that kids can walk to it. But it's illegal to sell to minors. But they may do it anyways.

I just want thoughts, I am kinda neutral here.
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If they legalize it there would most likely be strict laws on it. I wouldn't be surprised if they make it so that only licensed vendors can grow it. And also i never said you are the only person to oppose weed legalization Cow. I was referring to some of your other posts. Not just this one.
And i don't want this getting heated. I'm just stating my own opinion. Like everyone else. It is usually topics like this that divides people. And yeah i did say some mean stuff there Cow. Sorry man, no hard feelings?
Last edited by Regent101; Jan 16, 2013 at 03:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
And i don't want this getting heated. I'm just stating my own opinion. Like everyone else. It is usually topics like this that divides people. And yeah i did say some mean stuff there Cow. Sorry man, no hard feelings?

Sure, but you shouldn't go around flaming people for disagreeing with you, just FYI for next time...
Cow, you had a go at me for not putting any intellectuals on the list. I gave you the names of many. That isn't called the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy. That's called me answering your complaint.

As for the school problem, I don't think many companies would build farms near a school. I'd imagine it'd be produced in fairly rural areas. As for people growing a plant or two in their house, I don't see why not. If it's properly maintained the smell shouldn't be a problem.
Everyone already beat me to what I was gonna say, but I managed to think of a few things:

Cannabis can cause bitch tits (aka gynocomastia) in pubescent boys, and also lower their testosterone levels. (the last part probably isn't true, since scientists based that off of inconclusive results on the similarities between THC and estradiol).

Alcohol kills brain cells, yadda yadda.

Cigarettes are just horrible.

Also, weed only causes lung cancer because of the smoke. Also because the paper you smoke it with is usually shitty quality. (that means eating pot brownies doesn't cause lung cancer).

So yeah, marijuana is by far the best drug you could do. It probably does less damage to you than sugar. (don't try the old "sugar isnt bad dumbass, starch is" thing, because they are basically the same thing in wide terms.)

I support legalization of it, since it does less harm than everything else in the category that you put in your body. And we will always have stupid people, and they will always do stupid things (if we purged idiocy, we would find new standards for it) (e.g "I don't know how to bend matter to my will" = moron). I could care less if 10,000 people died because pot was legalized, they obviously abused it and died for being stupid (even though something like that would NEVER happen).

Also yeah, one of the main reasons why marijuana and hemp in general aren't smiled upon by "the man", is because if they were to be legalized (more specifically if hemp was to be industrialized), paper and walmart clothes would be made void. Hemp is good for almost everything. Fucking corruption :/
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post
Euphoria and anxiety and an alteration of perception. It causes increased heart rates, decreased motor control, judgement impairment, decreased ability to concentrate and focus, and reduction in reaction time. Use can use cognitive deficits for over a week after use - and as much as 28 days. Long term use is known to cause perception deficits and selective memory defects. Long term effects include bipolar disorder, depression, mood swings, schizophrenia, memory and concentration deficits.

Also yeah, is it bad that all of that ^ applies to me half of every day? (and I don't smoke weed).

I think I'm starting to understand why my doctor tells me to stay off drugs, and that I "don't need them".

And also why he says any other drug but cannabis could cause severe problems for me :/
Last edited by Zayex; Jan 16, 2013 at 05:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post

To those saying the government is keeping cannabis illegal so they can profit (), that's obviously not true, legalization and taxation of cannabis would be worth $40-100 billion to the USA gov't. There's no way you think that a handful of fines can match that. However the inverse argument is true; alcohol and cigarettes remain legal because they are profitable. You should not use the legalization of alcohol and cigarettes as justification for legalization of cannabis, as clearly the former should be illegal.

tl;dr You shouldn't need the government to tell you what to do, but you just keep doing dumb shit and governments can't let their citizens die/become crippled for fun.

You should quit while you're ahead. $40-100 Billion you are ridiculous and obviously getting most of your information off of Google. A "Handful" of fines. You do know that they fine people anywhere from $300+ for possession. Also they then get more money from repeat offenders. The amount doesn't matter for possession. You could have less than a gram and get charged the same as someone with 10g. If you have 14g you will get charged with intent to distribute.(Wanting to sell) If you have a pound or more they will charge you with King Pin status. Do you know the fines for that. You know how easy it is to fine for it then legalize it and sell it. You need to research before you post.
Just gonna throw my two cents in here, seems there are a lot of pot smokers on toribash :/ Just kinda took notice of that.

I don't do it because I'm not my own man yet (Unless you consider being 16 a man) and schools and other's will look down upon me if I were ever to do such a thing. Plus my parents would kill me. This is more of a personal choice for me, and inb4 assholes are like (You'll try everything once hurr durr :P) they can go fuck themselves.... *Sigh* anyways...

I don't particularly support the full legalization of it but people will always find ways to get their hands on it. Just like anything else illegal, someone is bound to find a loophole... why do you think we have laws? Some ass did something someone didn't like and made them go "NO! WE CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!"
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
I'm just going to put this out there, I'm 16 as well. I do not smoke. I don't have any problem with people smoking obviously.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Originally Posted by Turtlenecks View Post
Cow, you had a go at me for not putting any intellectuals on the list. I gave you the names of many. That isn't called the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy. That's called me answering your complaint.

No. The basis for Gorman labeling your argument as a Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy is because of how arbitrary it is. You list a select few individuals who may or may not have (I don't know if all these people actually did) smoked marijuana and happen to be renown for their intellect. Ok, that's a neat correlation, but it is not a causation. These people do not smoke pot because they are smart. The pot is also not making them smart. It does not assert a point that helps marijuana's legalization.

Are you really saying that it should be ok to smoke pot because smart people smoke pot?

Marijuana is not illegal because no smart people smoke it.

Another thing that goes along with the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy; you drew a conclusion by mentioning a very select group of intellectuals, and that they smoke pot. We've gone over this. But why do you only mention these few people? Compared to all the other people in the world who smoke pot, this would be an extreme minority. What would be useful in the point you're trying to make (which I'm assuming is that pot makes you smarter?) would be to take statistics between grade point averages of students across America during the years what cannabis came into mass circulation and use. And even then, it would be hard to assert given all the other factors that may affect these student's GPA (once again, it would be just a correlation).

I don't see much hope in your argument.
Last edited by Ray; Jan 17, 2013 at 02:23 AM.
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