I have read numerous posts of his and each of them are usually just saying the opposite of what other people say.
And seriously, what the fuck does random selection have to do with smoking a joint?
I really hope you are either retarded or trolling because that is one of the stupidest things i have ever read.
I really hope ImmortalCow actually starts to think before he posts because he is only annoying people with his unintelligent responses.
Neil deGrasse Tyson. Carl Sagan. Steve Jobs. Stephen Jay Gould. Francis Crick. Margaret Mead. Kary Mullis. Oliver Sacks. Sergey Brin. Richard Feynman.
There's your intellectual smokers. Is it a logical fallacy if I answer your query with this list?
And i don't want this getting heated. I'm just stating my own opinion. Like everyone else. It is usually topics like this that divides people. And yeah i did say some mean stuff there Cow. Sorry man, no hard feelings?
Euphoria and anxiety and an alteration of perception. It causes increased heart rates, decreased motor control, judgement impairment, decreased ability to concentrate and focus, and reduction in reaction time. Use can use cognitive deficits for over a week after use - and as much as 28 days. Long term use is known to cause perception deficits and selective memory defects. Long term effects include bipolar disorder, depression, mood swings, schizophrenia, memory and concentration deficits.
To those saying the government is keeping cannabis illegal so they can profit (), that's obviously not true, legalization and taxation of cannabis would be worth $40-100 billion to the USA gov't. There's no way you think that a handful of fines can match that. However the inverse argument is true; alcohol and cigarettes remain legal because they are profitable. You should not use the legalization of alcohol and cigarettes as justification for legalization of cannabis, as clearly the former should be illegal.
tl;dr You shouldn't need the government to tell you what to do, but you just keep doing dumb shit and governments can't let their citizens die/become crippled for fun.
Cow, you had a go at me for not putting any intellectuals on the list. I gave you the names of many. That isn't called the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy. That's called me answering your complaint.