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wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
i can name so many voice actors just off the top of my head
i.e. john dimaggio, tom kenny, seth macfarlane, billy west, harry shearer, and so on
I guess, but all of them except dimaggio do other things too. I mean, macfarlane isn't famous for being a voice actor, and west acts too.
But it's not like kids in school aim to be a voice actor the same way as in Japan. I'm sure guys like dimagio and macfarlane have blogs, but seiyuu blogs are pretty popular. I don't think it's at all comparable.
Also your examples (dimaggio and macfarlane in particular) kind of shows that people who get in to that kind of business in the US do so because they can make funny voices. Sure, there are more serious cartoons that Futurama and Family Guy, but that's just the impression.
Even if you name a few examples, I don't think you can claim being a western voice actor is at all similar to being a seiyuu