Christmas Lottery
I was thinking earlier when I was going though the server list and i saw a clan war server. Is there any plans for a clan war. I am to more than happy to help out just ask via pm.
Hello people of BAD, this is dq27 and I wish to join your group.
Let me tell you a little about myself, I am a blackbelt, I have a 53% win ratio. I am pretty good at jousting and I am always starting streaks.
I'm pretty well known around toribash.
I hope i can be a membr of this wonderful clan.
I would like to join your clan? 'm new to toribash more ja took the morning I have 61% wins in tournaments but I am good and bad times the gain aa lose more times never give up, I want to be part of my first clăn.Obrigado for listening and I hope I'm orange belt you do not mind having one member like me
Yeah Saku, you've been rocking it in jousting and Alison lately. You and Roland both had some sick replays lately. Keep up the good work guys.
Just invited soufixe54 and Furier. They are both good players, Mods where I tested them; Aikido,Judo, Judofrac, Joustingfixed, wushu and ninjutsu. Long live BAD !
5 new members in 10mins. We're being bigger!
10 in 15mins, Not bad!
Last edited by saku2010; Mar 21, 2013 at 11:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You guys are awesome. If you all get a chance, feel free to upload some of your replays to the thread too, if you happen to make any!

And also, welcome new members. Glad to have you in BAD.

Here's one of my replays from MPTomahawk. It's one of my favorite new mods. Later guys.
Attached Files
Decap with axe.rpl (50.2 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Hepatitis; Mar 22, 2013 at 04:08 AM.
Hey Hepa! im so happy c: Our clan just reached max invites or is full. I shall fap fap TO HISTORY OR CELEBRATION . derp sorry for the random sentence there, But seriously we got alot of members. probably more then 20. if its possible ;p
Nice replay S3S.
a member actuilly checked the forum...
One of my replays derp ;p im not suer if the download works
im not sure how to make a file
derp i didnt see the thing down there ;p
i cant freaking upload crap idk why
BODY MOTHERF*CKING SNAP.. i hope the dl works ;-;
Ethen.... i know your on...... >:d go to the joustingfixed public
Last edited by Rolandman; Mar 22, 2013 at 02:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Yeah, no doubt. Lots of new members. And yeah, nice replays. Yours did download Roland. Thanks everyone, who wants to be a part of BAD. Here's another one I had from Tomahawks. Haha, I don't know why I like that mod. It's just so fun.
Attached Files
Precision Decap with Axe.rpl (65.9 KB, 13 views)