What I saw: Gay.
What I expected: A clever mocking thread.
What I got: An interesting, original, good thread.
I hate you, Toribash Forums. You're making the world... Fun again! D:
Originally Posted by deady
...Wow, This thread is embarrassing. Not only to the majority of the people who posted here, but to the community as a whole. Just the thing we need, a "Jeepers, I don't understand/trust those gay's" thread, complete with homophobia and bad jokes to top it off.


Originally Posted by deady
Gay people don't really "decide" to be gay. People experiment, get confused, whatever, but you don't just wake up one day and say "hey, I think I like people of the same sex."

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I think I was the most surprised out of anyone when I came to the realization that I'd fallen in love with another guy, to be honest. It wasn't an easy realization to come to either.
<+veb> dude___________________._____________________<hampa> the hosting center decided to raise the price
<+veb> I am to durnk to pu6t in the wriute commmand lol ___<hampa> and we only run irc on this machine which is a bit of a waste
<+veb> and u suxc u cant od it gfro me ______|______._____<Lapsus> How much power is behind the IRC server?
<+veb> ;oml?________________________________________<hampa> it is like delivering pizza using an airplane
now im straight but i do think that gay-ness if fine

If you want to be gay and i make you happy then by all means GO AHEAD

as long as you don't try to be gay to me im fine

Edit: That is my philosophy and what i believe is right homer why do you say that is a useless post?
Last edited by Madgecko11; Jul 12, 2008 at 05:39 AM.
Now with 100% less angst
Originally Posted by Madgecko11 View Post
now im straight but i do think that gay-ness if fine

If you want to be gay and i make you happy then by all means GO AHEAD

as long as you don't try to be gay to me im fine

That was an unneeded post. I frown upon you...
I hate the arrogance of you self-proclaimed straight people "They can be gay as long as they don't come onto me." Gay guys aren't just going to crowd you because they like males, and you're male, too. Much the same way that chicks don't line up for you to have sex with. You arrogant cocks. Even IF a gay man was attracted to you, which would never happen, you wankers, a simple "Sorry, I'm straight" would be more than enough to get him to stop pursuing you as a love-interest.

And being gay isn't just because you only know annoying women. That's dumb. People are gay because that's just who they are attracted to. There's nothing inherently wrong or right with it, just as there is nothing right or wrong with being straight. That's just how people are. If you have a problem with it, go fuck yourself. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
Being gay today is nothing too strange. Back then, they burned them on poles.

Why is gay so popular now?

It's simple.

Yes, it is simple. My guess is that there were probably a similar amount of homosexuals "back then." Guess why more people are openly gay now?


Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
It's the girls.

They are getting worse and worse by the day. Two people I know was normal but turned gay because they don't want a shit head that complains and nags all the time.

Wow, nice going. You managed to combine sexism and homophobia in one small quote. This is invalid simply for the fact that you don't "turn gay." Many people realize that they're gay, but they don't "turn" gay.

Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
And what do girls today have in common with guys?

Before most people got gay because the female was so different, so they got scared and not turned on.

I mean they have those scary balls on their chest and when you look down they have nothing!

Meh sure we can handle some differences but today people go gay because most females are way too different in mind so no guy in the world would understand nor want to be near a female.

Again, invalid. You don't turn gay. Also, no. Women are physically different, sure, but that's not an issue, ya know why? Because heterosexual men are attracted to that. If you think that the physical differences are so strange that the other gender isn't appealing, you're probably gay.

Originally Posted by Freelancer View Post
The only reason normal guys exists today is because some girls actually aren't morons.

Oh and I'm not gay, I believe in that someday I'll meet someone that's not a complete brat.

Oh, look, more sexism. Good job.
Last edited by Delaid; Jul 12, 2008 at 06:25 AM. Reason: removed angry italics >.>
Dude I totally agree with you

Lesbians are cool but males still hate male gays mostly

tho the girls must be the same way except opposite
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
Stop being such fucking homophobes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay men, if there's nothing wrong with gay women. And stop saying "normal guys" as opposed to "gays", "fags", "queers", etc. Homosexuals are just as normal as everyone else. And, as said before, gay people don't just "turn gay". They usually just find out by common coincidence. It's been proven as well that it can be a common mix-up in pheromones. And stop bitching about everything "wrong" with women. They're just fucking fine the way they are. They only "bitch", "nag", and etc. because you're just always messing things up. Learn to fix things instead of blaming women, and calling "gays" unnatural. As well, Homosexuals have their own life, with their own things to decide. They can live their lives however they please. And most gay men understand when you're not gay. They won't "try to be gay on you", if they're aware of your sexual orientation. Though, don't think that's any reason to shout or exclaim, "I'M STRAIGHT. DON'T BE GAY ON ME." at any homosexual you see. Just calmly, and casually explain your preference for women, if they hit on you. As well, you should take being hit upon by gay men as a compliment. It is just the same as a girl with the same turn-ons to be saying that they find you attractive.

All-In-All: Stop being homophobes. It's useless and ignorant. As is being a sexist, etc.

We're ALL humans. Treat each other that way.
I believe there's another matter at hand here. What exactly inspired Freelancer to create this shitstorm of a topic?
Last edited by RabidClone; Jul 12, 2008 at 10:01 AM.
Why is gay so popular now?
It's simple.

It's the girls.

They are getting worse and worse by the day. Two people I know was normal but turned gay because they don't want a shit head that complains and nags all the time.

You don't "become" gay. Either you are, or you're not. Sorry, but either you were being ironic/joking in your starting post or... well... nvm.

Those two friends of you were probably just bisexual and gave up one side because they had no success at girls or didn't want them anymore. However, a straight guy will NOT turn gay because of "bad" girls.

Honestly, I'd rather two gays guys that loved each other be allowed to get married than all these gold digging twenty year olds with their sixty year old sugar daddy husbands.

Last edited by Galrath; Jul 12, 2008 at 10:43 AM.