Stop being such fucking homophobes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with gay men, if there's nothing wrong with gay women. And stop saying "normal guys" as opposed to "gays", "fags", "queers", etc. Homosexuals are just as normal as everyone else. And, as said before, gay people don't just "turn gay". They usually just find out by common coincidence. It's been proven as well that it can be a common mix-up in pheromones. And stop bitching about everything "wrong" with women. They're just fucking fine the way they are. They only "bitch", "nag", and etc. because you're just always messing things up. Learn to fix things instead of blaming women, and calling "gays" unnatural. As well, Homosexuals have their own life, with their own things to decide. They can live their lives however they please. And most gay men understand when you're not gay. They won't "try to be gay on you", if they're aware of your sexual orientation. Though, don't think that's any reason to shout or exclaim, "I'M STRAIGHT. DON'T BE GAY ON ME." at any homosexual you see. Just calmly, and casually explain your preference for women, if they hit on you. As well, you should take being hit upon by gay men as a compliment. It is just the same as a girl with the same turn-ons to be saying that they find you attractive.
All-In-All: Stop being homophobes. It's useless and ignorant. As is being a sexist, etc.
We're ALL humans. Treat each other that way.