Do you submit to our plans for galactic dominance:
Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being a tyrant:
Past experience on the battlefield:
If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of buisness be:
Express your feelings about [Dominion] in poetic form:
Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact eachother incase of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC):
Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets:
Our warmachines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a prefered lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it:
Is it dobbys fault:
Do you submit to our plans for galactic dominance: absolutely
Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being a tyrant: apples
Past experience on the battlefield: i am a pr0 dragon smasher
If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of business be: crown the ladies as my eternal partners
Express your feelings about [Dominion] in poetic form: meow meow
meow meow meow
Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact each other in case of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC):ill make a skype but i think i have one
Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets: i speak eaoiuneavbae and aoeingaomeapoeafea
Our war machines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a preferred choice of lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it: slick and dirty and apply it in all places possible
Is it dobbys fault: depends on the size of the anus.
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~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~
Originally Posted by Athin View Post
Do you submit to our plans for galactic dominance: absolutely
Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being a tyrant: apples
Past experience on the battlefield: i am a pr0 dragon smasher
If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of business be: crown the ladies as my eternal partners
Express your feelings about [Dominion] in poetic form: meow meow
meow meow meow
Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact each other in case of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC):ill make a skype but i think i have one
Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets: i speak eaoiuneavbae and aoeingaomeapoeafea
Our war machines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a preferred choice of lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it: slick and dirty and apply it in all places possible
Is it dobbys fault: depends on the size of the anus.

Big genital guy hmu ladies
Do you submit to our plans for galactic dominance: Only if I can be pinky.

Do you fully understand the inner mechanics of being a tyrant: Well, I do like to be mean to people.

Past experience on the battlefield: I have slapped many people. You may interpret that in any way you want.

If you were to become one of us, what would your first order of buisness be:
Express your feelings about [Dominion] in poetic form:

Dominion.. Kind of like Domino.. I want you inside of me.

Pizza. Pizza pizza. Ketchup. Ketchup Pizza. Ketchup Pizza Bacon. Bacon Pizza. Inside of me, I beg. I plead.


Do you have any form of communication tools, It's critical that we're able to contact eachother incase of sudden intergalactic warfare and or birthdays(Skype, Steam, ETC): Myspace.

Do you speak any foreign languages that could possibly come in use when conquering other planets: I speak Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, French, Spanish, English and German. Oh, I also speak Gay and l33t.

Our warmachines tend to get a tad rusty, do you have a prefered lubricant and if you do how thoroughly do you apply it: I make my own. I buy Orko's sweat and semen from Dobby and I mix it up. It works perfectly. I apply very excessive amounts for optimal performance. All over the body. Then I slide over the floor. Naked.

Is it dobbys fault: It's always dobby's fault, that whore.

acept plz

Oh, and yes to Athin. Hai Athin.
I sell TC and I give loans. PM me for info.
Need help with market? PM Ryan
<augans> youre my thiggist
<Muze> Id like to say, I don't apologize, I'm a tough guy in irl and I will be a tough guy in a video game. Ok that's it.

thanks guise. hi :<

also i made a skype: dominionathin

orko and i are in /jo dominion if u guise wanna hang
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~.....If you have any questions PM me or DM me on Discord: athin. .....~