Apel, I have farcry 3 Blood Dragon. That's all pretty much.

Btw, anyone wanna gameshare bo2 revolution, and uprising map packs with me sometimes? :3

OK so it seems that you[mk] , cozza, and zyr has bo2 and I'm gonna get it soon.
So i was thinking we all have a sexy zombie pen depot survival togeter.
Sooo maybeh we should like discuss on who has head sets and when we are gonma do it cus we live in very different time lines
I have a replay thread show it sum love<3
Originally Posted by Appledosa View Post
OK so it seems that you[mk] , cozza, and zyr has bo2 and I'm gonna get it soon.
So i was thinking we all have a sexy zombie pen depot survival togeter.
Sooo maybeh we should like discuss on who has head sets and when we are gonma do it cus we live in very different time lines

I play BO2 when i go to my friends' place.
Might be there this weekend for a couple of nights.
I play BO2 sometimes and the only zombie DLC that I have is Nuketown Zombies. I'm not great at zombies (only at crossbones level).
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.