Original Post
[rb] Mafia :: Game 3
The sun was rising when one of the citizens discovered drawings on the main square.
Just in some hours the whole town was crowding around strange red pictures, trying to get an idea of what could they mean.

Three symbols, all three written in blood.


This time the game is harder for everyone.
Mafia isn't invulnerable at night anymore.
Citizens are now even under bigger threat.
There are three groups of players. Who will win?

Last edited by sir; Jul 22, 2013 at 01:38 PM.
Agreeing with soap.
And now Snow says that Soap is Godfather and i'm mafia cause i'm agreeing with soap.
Last edited by Uncle; Jul 23, 2013 at 08:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Snow ._.
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Hehe, guys, now you defending yourself. And some posts ago YOU said that I defending myself. No?
I know who is mafia. And just belive me. Soap, you sux at defending yourself =3
I just know that soap - godfather. You, guys sould remember my words and you will see it.
Last edited by Snow; Jul 23, 2013 at 08:32 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Oh... guys. Why you don't belive me?...

If soap - not godfather i'll fuck myself. I know it. Just belive. You'll think about my words later...

Snow kept running away down the street.
He knew this was the end, nobody believed him even despite all his arguments.
But well, they were right. Partially.

He got stunned by a sidewinder when he turned to one of narrow streets.
When Snow regained consciousness, it was too late: all the pursuers were standing around him.

His eyes lit up with burning hatred and insanity.
One shot to the head from the shotgun - and they extinguished.

Later this day, a secret room was found in his house, full of knives and other metal weaponry.

You have killed a Maniac.
This is good news for everyone.

Night time.