Original Post
Toribash gets 'greenlit' on Greenlight
Sup guys, figured I'd jump in before anyone else & pass on the news. Toribash has passed through Greenlight along with a stack of other games.

Check out the full list here:

I'll also stick a thanks to all who poked the "yes" button & helped get it through.
Have a cucumber as a reward

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
ohgod, good job. interesting to see what will come up next!
Thank you based hampa
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Wow guys, I just came back from a long inactivity and look at our progress guys, I'm exited that the community would grow, well all deserve a tap at the shoulder guys
Don't send me PM's, I don't read them.
Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
OK so now that it has finally gone threw how will people see it? is there anyway we could do something to get it easily found on steam?

Toribash is listed in the "Greenlit" projects in Greenlight for now:

In the future if all goes right and we're released in Steam, we'll be listed in the Store together with all other games.

EDIT: oh, you changed the post. Well, whatever.
No torishop? You smoking crack? Just because things have to be done through steam doesn't mean you can't use web based content. A lot of games on Steam just pop a browser window to their sites for it, so long as it's the Steam browser they're fine with it.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
/me tries to click cucumber

Good job toribash, I hope we don't fill up and become another xbox live community.