First Clan Vid. Im not a pro so sorry :P
Y u so butthurt? You should just honor the terms of the war and be nice about it. You lost legit. Also ABD based clans are for duel scammers and players who lack epic bootyshaking abilities. We don't look up to vector... Finally, bragging was part of the terms of the war. Acting like a little kid about it now won't solve anything.
saying your clan is awesome (aka bragging), in someones else's answare to a request. when you don't get what you requested, you edit it and brag about it.
highlighting the main "sarcastic" replys.
extremly excited over a cw /however, that might be normal in some places
i don't want to see TwerkTeam close to posting anything in our board again. if you do, i would very much like to hand this over to one of the many fine mods.
also, consider this message as a blacklist.
thank you and please stop talking to me.
First Clan Vid. Im not a pro so sorry :P