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I'm not calling christian people stupid, my grand-mother is christian and she's an awesome tolerant woman, she just knows reading and following the bible like it's the only one truth is stupid.
Hence, you can be a stupid christian, but being christian doesn't make you stupid.
I'm pretty sure your grandmother is not a Christian. Firstly, she does not follow the single important text of Christianity.
How can you call yourself a Christian then immediately say "oh but I don't believe in the bible", it's absurd.
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They deserve it.
He didn't explicitly called homosexuals freaks, but "It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than a man’s anus." and "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality,[etc..]" is basically what it means. The second assumption is what makes him totally stupid ; as a man, he doesn't get how another man can desire another man's butt, but he thinks someone who desire another man's butt will somehow end up naturally having desire for a dog's anus or something. that's fucking retarded.
I don't like blue cheese. Does that mean I think everyone who eats blue cheese is "a freak"? Of course not. What a ridiculous thing to say. Please stop putting words in his mouth.
I don't know how you managed to change "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, [etc]" in to "Start with homosexuality and morph in to bestiality", but that's some serious magic. He in no way, shape or form said that homosexuals want to have sex with dogs. I cannot even imagine how you suddenly made that connection, but he doesn't say or insinuate that even slightly. He is merely listing similar sins (relating to sexual depravity), not saying homosexuality is a 'gateway fetish' to bestiality.
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Homosexuality is not a politic opinion, it's not something you disagree or agree with, you can't change someone's sexual orientation, you either accept it or not. He doesn't and call himself tolerant.
And if he's christian for thinking that, I'm fucking Jesus.
What? He does accept it. He said homosexuality doesn't appeal to him, but he still respects them. That is the definition of tolerance - accepting and tolerating something that you don't necessarily agree with.
He is Christian because he follows the Christian faith.
Firstly, that specific acts are 'sins' and committing a will end up with you burning in hell for eternity.
Secondly, that it is not your place to judge someone, you should be tolerant and accept it - you may have heard the two phrases "judge not yet ye be judged" and "turn the other cheek". If someone is doing something wrong, you shouldn't intervene, it's up to them.
By strictly adhering to Christian doctrine, he is absolutely a Christian. Definitely more so than your relative who claims to be a Christian yet rejects their holy text.
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lol "pro-homosexuality", do you realize how idiotic that sound ? No one is "pro-homosexuality", no one praise homosexuality as a good thing. It's neither good nor bad, it just is, some people's brains are attracted by the same sex.
There are LGBT lobbyists right now lobbying for whatever special interests they want, whether to give them additional rights, or extend their culture. Does pro-homosexuality exist? Absolutely.
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Religion is not an excuse to claim retrograde and intolerant ideas on public medias, what if he had said "Muslims and Jews are heretics, they'll go to hell, but I'm a tolerant person I won't tell it straight to their faces"
Because basically that's what he calls tolerance, not insulting gay people in the street but deep down rejoicing that they'll "burn in hell" when the times come.
He didn't say that, it's an unfair comparison. The correct comparison would be "Start with the worship of Jehovah, and just morph it out from there. Woship of Allah, [etc]". Again, he only says that;
1. It is a sin.
2. It does not appeal to him.
3. He still respects them.
What you are claiming is that he hates homosexuals, and that he tried to hide his opinion. This is not true, he said he does not hate people, he just considers a specific act to be a sin as defined in his doctrine. He is not rejoicing, and if you actual read what he said I'm sure you can see that he laments that they don't turn away from their acts.
I don't think any true Christian like Phil Robertson would EVER wish someone to be condemed to burn in hell for eternity. Do you even understand how horrible that is? It's like saying "I wish you would suffer unimaginable pain for all eternity". Regarldess of what your family may tell you, no Christian would ever wish this upon anyone.
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There actually was a time when being homosexual could get you kicked out of your job, beaten to death, or sent to "medical center for homosexuals" (it was considered a mental disease)... in medieval times they burned homosexual people like they burned people accused of withcraft.
And yet when someone gets kicked out for disagreeing with homosexuality, they homosexuals jump for joy!
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That's the point, homosexuals will never say "I personally don't like heterosexuality", because they've been insulted and discriminated for so long they know it's bullshit to discriminate someone for something he didn't choose (his sexual orientation here), and because sexual orientation is an intimate thing ; and people can do whatever the fuck they want with their dick & butt & mouth & vagina. That's no-one's concern. I really don't get why people feel concerned about other people's sexual orientation, if not because of a long religious history of ignorance and intolerance.
And yet you feel compelled to post in this thread, which you have no personal stake in, and insult all of Christianity, and then claim that your acquaintance, who is by all accounts not a Christian, is more of a Christian then you, and proceed to commit blasphemy relating yourself to Jesus. How can you say "I don't know why people care about X when it's none of their business" then come in here and insult swathes of people?
Why is it that Phil's opinion is fair game, yet a homosexual's opinion is not?
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But yeah, the employers of the guy probably overreacted, someone should just have told Phil Robertson "Shut the fuck up and stop conveying intolerant medieval ideas, you ignorant piece of turd", that would have been enough.
Firstly, as the definition of tolerance suggests, Phil is a very tolerant man. Secondly, you just have to end your post with a barrage of bigotry and abuse don't you?
Hopefully next time you will put aside your anti-religious angst and flaming.
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Persecution and discrimination against somebody for being rich, white, or heterosexual is virtually non-existent. For one, none of those adjectives actually elicit any sort of real, harmful discrimination, with the sole exception of rich, mainly in America due to the recent financial meltdown. But even then, it's fairly negligible. Discrimination's definition itself virtually invalidates any sort of meaningful discrimination occurring against any rich, white, heterosexual males. "The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things." What is the prejudicial treatment, or unjust treatment, that being any of those three adjectives will elicit? None really. All of them by themselves hold virtually no prejudices against them, again, with the sole exception being rich, and even then it's still fairly negligible.
Firstly, yes there is discrimination against people for being white, rich, or heterosexual. Regardless as to what you perceive as being a reasonable or unreasonable amount, it happens. And personally I think all discrimination is bad.
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I'd rather be rich and be slightly reviled, than poor and blamed personally for being poor, rather than circumstance. I'd rather be white and compete for jobs and opportunity with no real factors working against me other than my personal flaws, than black and having a greater chance of being rejected for a job with no criminal record than a white person with equivalent credentials but with a record. I'd rather be heterosexual and experience virtually no discrimination except in highly isolated cases, than homosexual and experience systemic discrimination from my own government, which is thankfully changing, deal with outright insulting comments stated in public with virtually no repercussions against the statement, and the very real threat of personal harm and violence for my sexuality.
I think you make some very unfair comparisons (and an unrealistic piece of fiction). For starters, obviously a lot of white people are rejected from jobs because the employer doesn't want to look like a racist. This is pretty common in all 1st world nations. I doubt a white with a record would be prioritized over a black without, people with records are far more discriminated against than either party.
"systemic discrimination from my own government" is obviously a very localized statement, and unless you tell me more about your country I can't really respond. In Australia white people are also the victim of "systemic discrimination from our own government", so I can sympathize with the homosexuals in your country. We find it harder to receive state support, welfare, income support, pension, etc. I also can't access various support systems because regardless of my situation my parents worked hard enough to make the government assume that they will support me for life. And obviously all heterosexuals receive the unpleasant stereotype of being intolerant by default towards LGBT.
Needless to say, if you think discrimination towards X group of people or based on Y attribute or situation doesn't exist or doesn't exist in 'non-negligible quantities' then you probably aren't looking very hard. And those cases that you think "oh it's negligible" probably don't feel negligible to those who have been discriminated against.
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2) You feel he did do something wrong, his freedom of speech is fine; however, you think this was an overreaction.
I'm on the #2, I completely support punishing him; however, I felt a suspension wasn't warranted.
Apart from this being a false dichotomy (people should not be forced in to these two camps, and I'd like to avoid even mentioning categorization, otherwise I would have just made a poll):
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If you disagree with that, then more than likely you feel someone shouldn't be punished to speak their mind. To that I completely disagree with you. When you're an employee of someone else, you're representing the people who write your paycheck's image. I worked at an amusement park, and if I were for some reason bias towards... let's say homosexuals, and I was interviewed and say "I don't like gays" and then in the same breath mentioned beastiality, I'd be fired from that amusement park. The difference is I'm not a gigantic freaking celebrity and or a representative icon for an entire group of people (religious southerners). So the ramifications for messing up when the nation's spotlight is on you is completely different.
I don't think punishing people for thought crimes is reasonable.
I disagree with the assertion that "not being pro-homosexuality is bad" is valid. Surely by now everyone in the world knows that some people are pro-LGBT and some are against. Obviously one of the most vocal and persisting opponents to LGBT is Christianity. By firing someone for enumerating the beliefs of their religion you are firing them for being religious.
If I worked at an amusement park, and if I were for some reason bias towards... let's say Christanity, and I was interviewed and say "I am Christian" and then in the same breath mentioned that I was very devout, would I be fired from that amusement park?
Now I know what you are going to say; "he wasn't fired for being a Christian, he was fired for being homophobic". If you were going to say that, please just stop. It shows an immense lack of understanding in the way Christianity and organised religion in general work. Christian doctrine states that homosexuality is a sin (however flimsy or contentious that argument is, it is stated). Phil is a devout Christian. It's to be expected that he believes in his religion.
Would you fire someone just because they are a Christian? No? Then why are you OK with firing someone because they believe in Christianity?
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Jan 1, 2014 at 10:45 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump