[15:28] <Dafe> I always get a little suspicious with those ball joints.
[15:30] <Jok> Dafe, you got ball joints?
[15:31] * Jok was kicked by Dafe (Jok)
[15:31] * Jok has joined #toribash
[15:31] <Dafe> Glutes and pecs don't seem like they accelerate normally.
[15:31] <Jok> >.>
[15:32] <Jok> Dafe r op? I forgot about that. :<
[15:32] <Dafe> Like, when you're gripping them and you swing your arm, it seems like they accelerate your arm, instead of slowing down your movement like they should for their mass.
[15:33] <Jok> Glutes are buggy
[15:33] <Jok> :s
[15:33] <Jok> Very buggy
[15:34] <Zaarock> o rly?
Maybe they just have like no mass. BoR mod's call, I guess.