Name: Shares6
Age: 19
Belt: Black
Other account?: Shares5 - Rarely use that one as it has less qi
Forum activity ( 1 - 10 ): 4 But I think I would post more if I was part of a clan.
Ingame activity ( 1 - 10 ): 8 Now that this game is on steam I play a lot more than I used to.
Any previous clans?: Nope this would be my first.
Why you left/kicked?: Not Applicable
Why do you choose (BBS) than any other clans?: I really like the name and I would like to be part of a more relaxed clan that doesnt force you to do silly things
What can you do for the clan: Obviously the neccessities like wars and stuff. I can also help out by getting the clan name out there and more popular with a good friendly face. I have good organisational skills, perhaps sometime I could create an event for the clan, maybe even help organise one somebody else has made. I am useful to have around
Replays: One is attached
Other information: I like gamemodes such as Judo, Judofrac, Wushu and mushu. I am looking to get into Aikido and in my opinion being part of a clan would be the biggest help.
EDIT: sorry guys if you really need more people you should check the clan application page a little more.
Last edited by shares6; Jun 9, 2014 at 12:17 PM.