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it's been a while since I played it since it's such a horrible game, you basically sit there and save these citizens with a stupid ass cut scene everytime you save em "oh gawsh thank you lord you saved my life" then when you get to the top of a view point you get to see the whole city, as if you couldn't do that anyway. It was a cool idea but they were DUMB for not allowing you to skip that shiet.
Theres no rewards for killing the "targets" stealthy or just slaughtering them (atleast on the PS3, on the x360 I believe you get achievements) boring repetative game play, boring sub missions, awesome graphics, crappy ending.
Could have done a lot more with this game, I expect a lot more from the next one after being criticized.
Sorry to anyone who is trying to justify spending money on this game, but I already came to the reality that it isn't really that good of a game..try MGS4, that is a good fucking game..well thought out, awesome sub missions, challenges, excellent storyline, waaaaay to many cut scenes but you get rewarded well for playing the game like its supposed to be played (i.e. not killing everyone in site.)
that is all
'excellent storyline, waaaaaaay too many cutscenes'?
What, are you fucking retarded or something?
Guess what, besides the FIVE SECONDS of talking when you save a citizen, in which you couldn't have DONE much of anything, and the FIVE SECONDS in which you get to see the city from different points when you reach a viewpoint, in which you could have done jack shit, all the other cutscenes are IMPORTANT TO THE STORYLINE.
What if when you got to the end, and had to fight your master, you didn't get any cutscene, and just started fighting for no reason. Would you have been satisfied? Then what if you woke up from the animus and everyone was gone or just standing there and you could go to bed and nothing else would happen.
Seriously. Fucking think things through.
Those ten seconds it takes you to watch two cutscenes every 10 minutes are well justified. If, say, the citizen disappeared, would you keep being immersed in the game and keep saving all the citizens? Hell no. Unless you're one of those guys who hate light and prefer to spend the whole of the day playing games indoors, and whose goal in life is to fully finish every game you want. When you synchronize and see the city it ISN'T the same as seeing it from ground-level, nor without that type of cutscene. It's a different point of view than from Altair's back, or from his eye.
You, my good sir, lose at life. Go learn the joys of reading first, then tell me 5 seconds isn't worth it for immersion.