It's probably related to the human delusion of understanding without experience.
It's very natural to say 'they don't understand this feeling' 'they never experienced this', well, actually a lot of people probably have. And when you think about why not everyone is committing suicide right now, you arrogantly think thoughts like 'they're all blind', which is pretentious and also illogical.
That's the most delusional statement I've ever heard. I've met (and am friends with) plenty of people who've been in this situation and they've never made it about anyone else except themselves.
If someone wants to die, let them.
Why is it hard for some people to understand that maybe somebody's life is so screwed up to the extent that they don't want to live?
I personally think suicide is the bravest thing someone can do. Who are we to stop someone as if it's our life?
Sometimes suicide can be a solution, things don't get better in all situations, some people live extremely shitty lives full of suffering and then die a horrible death.
Killing yourself is throwing away future chances for life to improve or get better but its arguable whether or not its worth waiting/enduring for some.
And as Mintcat said, suicide isn't cowardly, when you kill yourself you face the possibility of some form of afterlife or the end of existence forever. When you compare something as important/eternal as that to your family's feelings it isn't hard to see their reasoning.
A relative of a person I barely know, but who is close to my family, killed herself a couple of weeks ago. Even my own mother, who had probably never even met the person, cried on and off for days, simply because of how tragic the whole ordeal was for the family and the parent who found her. They spent weeks in the woods looking for her, with police and helicopters involved. Everytime I've contemplated suicide, my thoughts circle to this. I have three little brothers who would be damaged if I killed myself. My parents would be damaged beyond repair as well, if only for the fact that they'd feel like enormous fuckups. To put one's family through something like that, no matter the relation you hold, is selfish. Expecting someone who wants to die to live for the sake of others is also selfish. This person wanted to die. She left a note and went out into the woods with the intention of dying. What I ultimately told my mother to console her was that there was nothing that could be done after that point, that they couldn't have saved her days after she dissappeared. The real tragedy isn't that she died. The tragedy is that noone (I'm guessing, at least) spent the care and effort they spent looking for her on helping her, before she reached her breaking point. Showing love and compassion afterwards is pointless. I'm not sure of the specific conditions the girl lived through, though. Maybe her death was completely irrational and could've been prevented, maybe not.
This is, of course, from an objective standpoint. When people close to me have attempted suicide or told me of their suicidal thoughts, I've tried to help them reconsider at the best of my ability. That is simply all you can do, and maybe that's exactly what the girls family did. Some people are just not meant to live long lives. Life is shitty for most people, and will probably stay that way for a majority. Some people have what it takes to live and find enjoyment and some sort of happiness, but not everyone does. She wanted to die, for reasons I don't know, and now she's dead.
So yeah, the next time you decide to call someone who committed suicide selfish, consider their life/surroundings, as well as how selfish wanting someone to live completely for the sake of other people is.
Last edited by dalir; May 18, 2014 at 01:47 AM.
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Suicide is a solution for the one who chooses it. I know what happens when you die. There is no question about it in my mind. Life ends, matter does not. Most people are afraid of death because they don't know what it will be like. some have accepted illogical fantasies and are no longer afraid.
And just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a person's reasons for choosing suicide are good to them and bad to most of those who will miss them. There is little hope in the world for many people. That is why suicide is even a major issue. Suicide is also a right that everyone reserves, to use when you need to or want to end their life.
Cowardice, against the Bible and God's word, possible cancer curer, sense of adventure - all trivial in the grand scheme of things. The ends does not justify the means. The end is just the end.
More on the lines of that. Yak ;p Wishy Washy stuff. In the long run, it sucks. You will die at some point. Jeez.
Suicide is a solution for the one who chooses it. I know what happens when you die. There is no question about it in my mind. Life ends, matter does not. Most people are afraid of death because they don't know what it will be like. some have accepted illogical fantasies and are no longer afraid.
And just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a person's reasons for choosing suicide are good to them and bad to most of those who will miss them. There is little hope in the world for many people. That is why suicide is even a major issue. Suicide is also a right that everyone reserves, to use when you need to or want to end their life.
Cowardice, against the Bible and God's word, possible cancer curer, sense of adventure - all trivial in the grand scheme of things. The ends does not justify the means. The end is just the end.
More on the lines of that. Yak ;p Wishy Washy stuff. In the long run, it sucks. You will die at some point. Jeez.
You know what happens when you die?
Aren't you alive
Life does not continue when you die. That is all that needs to be known. Live life to the fullest. Life is not something to throw away. It's yours. It will end. Better luck living it instead of ending it before it's over.
That's not the answer, you can't just say it doesn't need to be known. Nothing needs to be known, but humans are a very curious species that try to obtain as much knowledge as possible. We don't have to know, but we want to.
Why again do humans not always get what they want? Humans have grown spoiled. It used to be what they needed was most important than what they wanted. Nobody needs to die, but they want to die. They should just wait it out and try to make themselves happy along the way. God didn't create humans to have them throw themselves in a trash can. That is gods choice. Not yours. This is just my opinon.
No, nothing is God's choice. Almost every major denomination of religion preaches free will as part of there tenements. If God could pick and choose when you get to decide something, that's contradictory to the proclamation of free will.
And is it spoiled to want to end suffering? If I were to hook your nipples up to a car battery, would you be spoiled to want the shocks to stop? You could be hardly blamed for wanting something to stop if it's causing you pain or grief for little to no benefits.
Suicide is the result of an unstable and often irrational state of mind. It is a product of a disease, of mental disorder. To tell somebody to suck it up and deal with their suicidal thoughts is about as unproductive and illogical as telling somebody with polio to just walk it off. Without dealing with the underlying disorder, and without recognizing it as such, you further alienate an already depressed and, frequently, irrational-thinking person by attributing it to a character fault rather than a result of circumstance. Shaming a person for their suicidal thoughts is the worst possible thing you can do to a person who increasingly thinks defeatist thoughts and projects self-loathing on to themselves.
Demonizing suicidal thoughts only hurts those who are truly plagued by them. Long-term suicide prevention is not accomplished through shaming a person, but by giving them a reason to live. Berating them for their "selfish thoughts" only serves to further plague them with guilt.
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