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Pledge loan
If someone need TC atm he can loan them from other guy and return more TC that he loned after some time. For be sure that TC will be returned the loaner send to creditor some items and if tc not returned in agreed time loaner owns the items. To prevent from creditor just take the items before time of returning they must be locked in credtor's acc. Safetrade system after little upgrade can be used for loans like this.
Example of request from loaner side: Loaner add pledge(items), amount of returned tc and time(lets say 2 days) when tc must be returned. Creditor check the items, time and sum. If he ok with that he add tc and updateinf loan request. Now loaner cheking updated request and if accepteing this his items locked in loan system for 2 days. If loaner didnt returned tc that have to return in 2 days, items unlocked and removing into the creditor's deactivated inventory.
All it adds is a way to get free tc that is not actually free. It's not like anyone is buying a house here and needs to pay some sort of mortgage.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by xbcz View Post
another example why loan system can help

I don't think getting banned is helping anything.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
if loan system was implemented tabwater wasnt banned, imapirate wasnt wasting time on this scam report and guy who gave tc to tabwater wasnt waitng+repotring
He took a loan from someone and he couldn't pay it back. Your system is more or less exactly what he tried to do, but he got banned for failing to meet the requirements he agreed to. A 'loan system' can be used by anybody but only if they have enough common sense to follow the rules provided, there is no need for one to be physically implemented.
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
if it will be physically implemented it will make able taking/giving loan not only to trusted people. not always someone who u can trust have enough tc
Official SafeLoan System?
So,basicially the loan system in Toribash is not very safe.
Its a risk and I think it should not be like that at all.
So the SafeLoan System works like this.


USER 1 requests a loan from user 2.

USER 2 agrees.

USER 1 thinks he can scam and get away.

USER 2 gives him a week to pay it back.

USER 1 gets a message everyday when he logs in and a message on the forum telling him how many days he has left to pay USER 2 back.

USER 1 does not pay,and the loan is returned back to USER 2.

USER 1 bought a item before the loan time expired,the item is sent back to the original place and all tc given to the seller will be taken away,and the user will be banned for a week.

(BTW) USER 1 or USER 2 can not do any other loan interactions,while there is
transaction taking place,and USER 1 can not donate or send tc or Vice Versa to buy Texture or other Player sold items, unless it is to pay the user back.Any questions please read it over again,and if you still dont understand post it in this thread,and I will respond with an answer.

"This is where you make suggestions to fix this system,and I wll post useful fixes to optimize the system to the best."
Why this is a bad idea:
• User makes fair trades after loan and the loan tc has been spent-unfair and unneeded
• Staff with brains are better than the system
• Imagine how complicated these transaction refunds don't need to be
• It's not worth the effort

I think those reasons trump