*RDM wakes up 10 years later, where the world is ruled by PorcupineJim, who's evil henchmen shoot RDM continously with miniguns*
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Then... OUR HERO ZaneNutio Jumps out of the bushes, and says "VIOLENCE SOLVES NOTH..." before getting shot in the head ind passing out. uh... he could come back... maby....

becomes zombie clone working for Jim and eats rdm's fingers one by one yummy
You fools, that was a clone =P

/me steps out of shadows on a fudge massive dragon and obliterates Zane, Jim, and their army.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
*Is still sitting in his top secret volcano lair - the Jim that got 'obliterated' was his stunt double, Acidman. Jim presses the big red button, and launches a mini-heatseeking nuke at RDM, which explodes in a shower of molten fudge*
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