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Flexible Feet
is there any way to code flexibility into your feet? It would help when people are kicking/ landing. for example, when you extend your ankle to land, the tip of the foot would bend slightly when it hit the ground, and would allow for an easier and smoother transition into the next move.
How about instead of a blank space we could have sort of skin over the foot
imagine having two blocks of wood, spaced about 5 inches apart. Now place a large peice of paper over both of those blocks. Had you never known that there was a space there then you would never even know that there was a gap in between those pieces of wood.

This sounds as if you would just be able to have that gap as well as the textures. It doesn't sound too hard to implement but I don't know how to code or anything such.

Good idea? No?
tell me
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
im usually not for making tb more realistic but this is a really good idea and it has so much potential for just a small change.
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
Why the hell are you guys talking about splitting the foot when you can just make the tip of the foot bend if enough force is applied like a normal foot.
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Possibly just the way that bending things work in tb
if I'm not mistaken whenever a thingy bends its seperated somehow
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by Habits View Post
Why the hell are you guys talking about splitting the foot when you can just make the tip of the foot bend if enough force is applied like a normal foot.

Have you ever seen any object bend without being split in 2,or having joints?
Are you living the life you really want?
This would mess with a lot of old players' game. It'd change how openers work, it'd change how comebacks work and it'd cause more problems than necessary if introduced as the default option. Better ideas have been rejected from the "tickable game option" area of the game than this one. Keep it as a modding idea imho.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
This would mess with a lot of old players' game. It'd change how openers work, it'd change how comebacks work and it'd cause more problems than necessary if introduced as the default option. Better ideas have been rejected from the "tickable game option" area of the game than this one. Keep it as a modding idea imho.

this is definitely not going to be a default function. if it did get into the main game, it's be in the options menu, where you could turn it on/off.
Originally Posted by Habits View Post
Why the hell are you guys talking about splitting the foot when you can just make the tip of the foot bend if enough force is applied like a normal foot.

Originally Posted by suomynona View Post
The issue with this is that rigid body physics (what's in use right now), is really super easy and most of the time that gets wasted by the processor is probably wasted on figuring out how static collision meshes interact. In other words, it doesn't require any sort of fancy hardware or math to make it happen.

Soft body physics is still perfectly doable, but it's a fair bit more complicated, there are less good, pre-existing, re-usable implementations of it, and it would definitely break physics compatibility in a significant way. That could be dealt with by making it an optional feature, but I've never heard good things about trying to make two separate physics engines work together to make something coherent. And modifying the existing physics engine, which is utterly about rigid-body mechanics into also doing soft-body mechanics...

In short, this suggestion is not easy to implement. It's also a pretty minor effect, compared to a lot of things that are probably easier to implement and would be more generally usable. I wouldn't mind seeing it, but I feel like we'd see a lot of other nice features first before this gets put on the table.

Practically, perhaps supporting joint additions in modding would be more useful, all in all.

need i say more?
Last edited by Decyph3r; Jul 7, 2014 at 08:28 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Its more about your feet morphing to the ground, the feet we use atm are too flat to get stable easily for some.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here