Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
Funny how everyone ignores my post with actual facts.
Why is this thread still up

Because, if youre done being a narcissistic retard you would know I didnt ask "How to discipline your child without beating?" I asked "Whats your thoughts on beating a child?"

[8:12:11 AM] Yara Sparkle: come to netherlands everyone is naked.

No, I think it's bad that this thread is full of mislead people and once an actual argument is presented it is ignored.
What makes it worse is the actual topic, I'm not ok with people being ignorant about it.

To answer your thrown out insult, even if I was narcissistic, which I am not, which in your reasoning we both would be, the argument doesn't become worthless and should still be questioned if nobody agrees.
PM me with any and all questions
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
As I've said before, it's worked for the last five generations at least. If something ain't broke, don't fix it. Or in this sort of case, if the method of fixing it works, why change it?

Except it doesn't work. It generally brings up adults who have anger management problems, loose tempers, no judgement, over-reactions and it just goes on and on. Beatings induce fear, that fear will probably one day lead to one of two outcomes:
1. Built-up anger that will eventually and most probably lead to some sort of anger management problems.
2. Wusses who don't take charge of anything because they're afraid if they do anything they'll get beaten.
Naturally there are exceptions, but soooooo many people I know born pre-1980 have so many anger management problems or they don't take charge, won't try new things, won't do anything they aren't sure they can't do 100% right. To sum it up; they're a big blubbering mess of people, they're p miserable, and it's sad. Again, it's not everyone, but it's a damn large number of them.

Have you not noticed that a lot of kids now a days aren't being beaten as they're raised up, but rather they're told that something is wrong to do or something reasonable, and they're treated more like actual human beings and less like animals. They have way less problems and shit to worry about then the other kids whose parents still just beat them if they do anything wrong.
If you can actually sit there and say that you still believe the BEST POSSIBLE solution to disciplining a child is to beat them and make them fearful and not give a single shit about the outcomes that will have on that child's health or mental state, then that's pretty fucking inhuman. That's like kicking an untrained dog to deathfor peeing on your carpet.

Hatter has it right, it's sad that his post went ignored, there's some downright gold in there on how to raise kids.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Have you not noticed that a lot of kids now a days aren't being beaten as they're raised up, but rather they're told that something is wrong to do or something reasonable, and they're treated more like actual human beings and less like animals. They have way less problems and shit to worry about then the other kids whose parents still just beat them if they do anything wrong.

Have you also noticed that a vast majority of this generation-at least American kids-are pretty fucking stupid. They latch onto fads like they're going out of style, talk in incomprehensible slang and non-English, and don't keep their pants up.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
If you can actually sit there and say that you still believe the BEST POSSIBLE solution to disciplining a child is to beat them and make them fearful and not give a single shit about the outcomes that will have on that child's health or mental state, then that's pretty fucking inhuman. That's like kicking an untrained dog to deathfor peeing on your carpet.

I never once said that beatings are the best solution. Just that it works as a form of punishment. I also never said that it should be the go-to form of punishment whenever your child does something wrong. Fail a test? Help them with their homework. Steal a phone? they shouldn't be able to sit down when you're done. The only reason a child will be constantly afraid of their parents is if the beatings are too often and excessive.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Have you also noticed that a vast majority of this generation-at least American kids-are pretty fucking stupid. They latch onto fads like they're going out of style, talk in incomprehensible slang and non-English, and don't keep their pants up.

Every generation says this about every subsequent generation - "they dumb".
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by smokinonthatKK View Post
Your group of dickriders have appeared, I guess all black people look the same huh?

Please avoid being an blatant idiot in discussion threads.

When it comes to this topic, I never found that physical pain = intelligent children.

Hurting your children is to not understand how to be a parent, if you cant find a way to teach your children without hurting them you shouldn't be a parent.
Have you also noticed that a vast majority of this generation-at least American kids-are pretty fucking stupid. They latch onto fads like they're going out of style, talk in incomprehensible slang and non-English, and don't keep their pants up.

How does beating a child address any of the apparent "problems" you've just presented?

Not that any of them can truly be considered problems in the first place. The use of slang is not restricted to a particular generation, cockney rhyming slang etc. Most modern linguists such as David Crystal would argue that slang, text speak and the like are examples of linguistic evolution, simply the language adapting to a new technological age. There is absolutely no connection between beating a child and them speaking in a certain way and it is really quite silly to suggest so.

Using current trends in clothing to justify beating children is equally as dumb.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Have you also noticed that a vast majority of this generation-at least American kids-are pretty fucking stupid. They latch onto fads like they're going out of style, talk in incomprehensible slang and non-English, and don't keep their pants up.

lol so that's a reason why they're stupid? Like surf said, things evolve, english evolves and adapts to fit the newest technology; which in this case is texting shorthand to save time and energy. Plenty of people don't low-ride, some people just do, because they like it. Doesn't mean they wear them at their knees, or need to wear them above their fucking belly button. I low-ride a third of the way down my ass and keep it in place with a belt because i find it comfortable. Most stores even have billboards that say worn below the waist too. So that makes us stupid?
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
I never once said that beatings are the best solution. Just that it works as a form of punishment. I also never said that it should be the go-to form of punishment whenever your child does something wrong. Fail a test? Help them with their homework. Steal a phone? they shouldn't be able to sit down when you're done. The only reason a child will be constantly afraid of their parents is if the beatings are too often and excessive.

You also never suggested any other solutions but rather said
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
As I've said before, it's worked for the last five generations at least. If something ain't broke, don't fix it. Or in this sort of case, if the method of fixing it works, why change it?

you're implying that it's the best solution by not giving any others and by saying that we shouldn't change it.
Originally Posted by smokinonthatKK View Post
Your group of dickriders have appeared, I guess all black people look the same huh?

Anyway, lets try to get back on topic.

Lets not go there please. We're all about respect here and you need to start doing that and suck up the act.