
Yes please.

In all seriousness, drugs should be banned in general. Humans are built for addiction, and little kids are impressionate, too. If you give a teenager a blunt, you can be sure that he'll smoke it.
get former crack addicts to come into schools with drug problems
nobody wants to end up like a crack addict
I'm mostly talking about Marijuana but my school has plenty of other drugs around. The thing is, my school has hosted big meetings with people and students to talk about their addiction and the school has even went as far as to have regular searches of lockers and other means of trying to keep the school "clean". The thing seems to be that finding it is fairly easy and like mentioned around page 2 it is also easy to get rid of it and make money.

Schools are a place full of young minds and those young minds are impressionable so finding a way to not feel the same way and also you could turn a profit off of it seems like a good idea. I'm sure this happens all over the world because just from this game alone I've met people that live in places I've never even heard of and they see the same type of issues.

Drugs being in schools is terrible though because at least here in America school is offered to you, it's free, most places offer free lunch, they have sports and clubs that you could be a part of but even those kids can fall to the drugs that are around them. School is supposed to be a safe place but is it really?
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Halucinogenic drugs have bean used from ancient times. Some cultures and civilisations still use them:
Yemen, check it out on youtube
Holand, for turism and other purpusses
North coreea for manipulation and control of the people
America, weed is legal for medical purpuse
Peru, ayahoaska is used for shamanic rituals
I'm sure there are many other exampes.
Most of the people that changed history and artists, writers, etc were using some kind of drug.
If u use it in a responsable and recreationa way i see no problem. After the age of 20 or so ofc...first u have to understand the substance and what it does to you. After u understand it u can use it at your own risk. Heroin and meth are a little bit trickyer, better to avoid them imo, but that depends on what is your understanding of substances.
I would legaize weed. I see no damage in smoking it. Other drugs are a more complicated issue.
But one thing is sure, drugs are not for kids, they are most likely to mess up they inner belifes and the sense of what is right and what is wrobg, they are very easy to manipulate, they are not redy to make thet decision and change theyre life forever.
Pm me for deals
Did LSD once in the morning before school only half tab so I could still do stuff, but Art Foundations and English was crazy ne'er had I pulled such an essay from my ass well as a col picture in Art. I also done shrooms and got quite drunk at school also got high everyday.

The point me telling you guy this is just be responsible.

Also punishing kids for drug abuse is actually hurting them more and will never help like actual talking and befriending them a few counsellors throught out school showed me that.
Do not glorify drugs @T0ribush but yeah being responsible with them would be a good idea but can one be responsible while using drugs?

True I believe punishment isn't the answer but then what is?

@Insanity, yeah kids shouldn't because they're minds aren't even developed yet but if a kid sees an adult using or under the influence wouldn't they feel it's okay?
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
And how do you plan to stop people using in excess or for the wrong reasons if they are legal? That will just make it easier, and the problem will get worse.

Drug acceptance and normalization is the real problem.

Well, the same way you do it now, rehab, addiction meetings, psychologist, sub products (which would be way easier to propose in a legal environment). Except they wouldn't have to deal with street dealers and (even more) dangerous products etc...

Less diseases & contaminations, less risks, less violence, more visibility to the society, it would be easier to have a contact with addicts to pull them out from their conditions. That's the human thing to do ; in opposition with law enforcement and legal punishments, like jail time in overcrowded prisons & consequent fines for people already having issues, which is the fascistic thing to do, and we're doing it right now.

"Drug acceptance and normalization", you talk like it's a new thing. We've probably been doing drugs back to the time we were still nomads, maybe even apes.

Edit : also, you can't ban drugs. The "War on drugs" led by governments has been going on for decades, even with the anti-drug task forces improving their efficiency during those years, drug sales and consumption never went down, it probably went up.
Last edited by deprav; Oct 20, 2014 at 07:58 PM.
Inside your own home in a safe environment seems like it's responsible to me.

Kids who use drugs either have tons of friends that do, or they are probably self diagnosing their depression. Which again punishing them isn't quite the answer, but hobbies could be. All kids have a passion and some just haven't found it and sadly never will until they're pointed in the right direction. Like music, dancing, drawing and graffiti. We have tons of opportunities for kids who fucked up and want to change it.
@T0ribush: Here it is quite the opposite. They take the kids who do that and they either get punished severely or they don't get into any trouble at all, both of which aren't a great solution.

@deprav: You have a good point to be honest.
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Inside your own home in a safe environment seems like it's responsible to me.

Kids who use drugs either have tons of friends that do, or they are probably self diagnosing their depression. Which again punishing them isn't quite the answer, but hobbies could be. All kids have a passion and some just haven't found it and sadly never will until they're pointed in the right direction. Like music, dancing, drawing and graffiti. We have tons of opportunities for kids who fucked up and want to change it.

since when is graffiti a good hobby