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My Prediction on Steroids
I don't think Steroids should stop being looked down upon. Yes it should be just what it is because Steroids is a thing that some people use to get buff. For Example: Professional Wrestlers need to sometimes get buff so that they are getting paid to do so. I don't think there is anything wrong with people in sports to use steroids but for you to say
They are always signs of cheating

they can be kind of bad even though there are players that don't use steroids to get there.
Bodybuilding Steroids
Well for it to make you big is kind of death when people use too many Steroids to get big and its definitely from all the pressure they're in.

Well it isn't that great for them to use Steroids anyway. Besides they've got better things to do than take Steroids. True, players are always need to be the best like in the NBA on Chicago Bulls for example, they have a big player named Joakim Noah that is always on defense.

They do kind of deserve it since they can win one for the team or so. I think Steroids isn't much of a thing that everyone needs to use either way.
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Also, I would still insist on segregated competitions: natural and with use of steroids. Competitions are not about results only. It's not about the times of your laps. Those 9.77s for 100m sprint does not really mean anything in se. It's just a number. What matters is that number compared to other people. To reach these astronomically good lap times, you need to train hard and devote your life to the sport. If a substance exists that drastically reduces the effort necessary to reach a <10s lap time, and is widely used, then a <10s lap time instantly loses a lot of its value.

Do we have segregation based on diet? Training? Shoes? I think it's pointless to say "nothing else matters but drugs". Like I said before, can an average Joe who pops some steroids become a world-class athlete? Of course not.

And like I said before, the current training methods are anything but natural... I think you are injecting biased words into the discussion.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Do we have segregation based on diet? Training? Shoes? I think it's pointless to say "nothing else matters but drugs". Like I said before, can an average Joe who pops some steroids become a world-class athlete? Of course not.

And like I said before, the current training methods are anything but natural... I think you are injecting biased words into the discussion.

Not sure if diet and equipment will have an impact on progression equal to use of steroids.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
Not sure if diet and equipment will have an impact on progression equal to use of steroids.

Is it simply a question of impact? If so, and I know I've been saying this a few times, training is much more important than roids.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
the current training methods are anything but natural...

What do you think athletes do to get better? They push themselves farther and harder to go faster or be stronger. It's the same thing we've been doing for hundreds of years to stay alive.

If you want to say that hard work is unnatural, i'd say that saying that is unnatural considering how we've survived for centuries by training the exact same way. the only difference between us and cavemen is that we've developed more sophisticated ways of training.
Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
What do you think athletes do to get better? They push themselves farther and harder to go faster or be stronger. It's the same thing we've been doing for hundreds of years to stay alive.

If you want to say that hard work is unnatural, i'd say that saying that is unnatural considering how we've survived for centuries by training the exact same way. the only difference between us and cavemen is that we've developed more sophisticated ways of training.

"More sophisticated" is an understatement. I can't imagine a caveman playing hours and hours of tennis every day.

Modern training is not at all 'natural'. Even for an average person in today's world, they don't understand the level of training needed to even compete on a national level, let alone on the world stage.

How long do you think people have been using drugs and chemicals to improve? The spartans famously treated newborns with alcohol to toughen the skin, how far back can drugs and supplements be traced? Is this merely a question of tradition?

I feel like the goal posts are moving quite a lot.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Just a little thing I wanted to share. Some do use drugs that are as close to steroids as they can be without exactly "cheating".
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Is it simply a question of impact? If so, and I know I've been saying this a few times, training is much more important than roids.

This scientific study disagrees with you.
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Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
"More sophisticated" is an understatement. I can't imagine a caveman playing hours and hours of tennis every day.

Modern training is not at all 'natural'. Even for an average person in today's world, they don't understand the level of training needed to even compete on a national level, let alone on the world stage.

How long do you think people have been using drugs and chemicals to improve? The spartans famously treated newborns with alcohol to toughen the skin, how far back can drugs and supplements be traced? Is this merely a question of tradition?

I feel like the goal posts are moving quite a lot.

Same principle, different methods.
I doubt it was any easier for cavemen to kill mammoths or sabre-teeth. Or any easier for African tribes to hunt elephants now a days.

As well, not all civilizations have used drugs. We don't see any during aboriginal times or the revolution. As well as none during the stone and dark ages.
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
I don't think Steroids should stop being looked down upon. Yes it should be just what it is because Steroids is a thing that some people use to get buff. For Example: Professional Wrestlers need to sometimes get buff so that they are getting paid to do so.

Depends what you determine pro wrestling. WWE technically doesnt need to do drug tests(its scripted so its not performance based) however they still allegedly do drug tests after some health issues. Chris Benoit(committed double murder, suicide) had about 10 months left to live because his heart was so enlarged from the steroids. I wont be the guy to vouch for the legitimacy of anything else coming from wwe though.

Not only do steroids give the user clear physical advantages over competition, but it can also jeopardize the health of anyone involved. Its already known that steroids can take average athletes to the next level with little effort, but what if they are already one of the elites(naturally) and then start taking steroids. Stop and imagine, Boxing KO artist like tyson, rocky, or Klitschko with drugs to enhance them even farther?

Point Im trying to make, Its not worth risking your health, as well as others because you are to lazy to take the long route.