All mems of Animal or Animals dont know which Xd can join in THE ULTIMATE NUB DANCE OFF which is in events. The rules will be posted there but here is a quick brushup u have to dance dont fight or hurt uke or any1 else send the replays to Zipil WhiteFire or Ganksyou. THe 6 best replays will dance live against each other! HOpe u send 1
I Burn With A Passion To (bleep) All Your Moms
George W. Bush: Master of low expectations and son of one HOT mother!
and from the ashes of toxixs blitz rises a reptomancer half lizard half human and decaptates toxixs with a roar of triumpth
fagen shut up u cant read half of what ur saying anyways
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Originally Posted by fragen View Post
and from the ashes of toxixs blitz rises a reptomancer half lizard half human and decaptates toxixs with a roar of triumpth

kid, i will eat u with a jalapeno on a stick and feed you to a monkey named peanut who will be killed by a dead terrorist named achmed who will be gassed by a old man named walter.
Originally Posted by wolfboy View Post
clan story:

there was a god

you mostly sux .... how are you a "god" and stop recruiting everyone who wants to join there's a million of them
<KiTFoX> Just because I type pretty, doesn't mean I'm not a fucking idiot.
Originally Posted by supermigi View Post
lol like your stroy

i like it

especially the part with the horrible grammar?