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New Competitive Esport Rank System
This ranking system that I present hopes to bring Toribash to a new level of competitiveness, it aims to reward skilled players for fighting other skilled players. The current ranking system does not reward skilled players, instead it rewards those who farm worse players than themselves.

How does it work?
It works using the current elo system but instead it forces players to fight those stronger than them. Therefore only the best will be able to get to the highest rank.

For now the current ranking system can stay and this additional "Esports" rank can also be in place at the same time. This will allow the new ranking system to be beta tested over a period of time and if successful then the old rank system could be removed.

Separate "Esport" ranked lobby's should be programmed to auto change the mod after a period of time (24 or 48 hours). This is because the most skilled players can play in a variety of mods.

The mods for the lobby's should be decided on community input.
Here is a suggestion of mods that could be scripted to auto change:

Mon: Lenshu3ng.tbm
Tue: ErthTKv2.tbm
Wed: AikidoBigDojo.tbm
Thur: Boxshu.tbm
Fri: Greykido.tbm
Sat: Rk-MMA.tbm
Sun: Boxshu_Mushu_V2

Multiple servers should be set up and restricted based on the new "Esport" rank. In addition Tiers 4 - 5 would also have a 1,000 QI restriction. Tier 6 would have a 2,000 QI restriction and Tier 7 would have a 3,000 QI restriction. This would be to prevent alts and act as a motivation to play the game and gain enough QI for the lobbys.

Lobby tier 1: Rank 50,000 +
Lobby tier 2: Rank 35,000 - 50,000
Lobby tier 3: Rank 35,000 - 15,000
Lobby tier 4: Rank 15,000 - 5,000
Lobby tier 5: Rank 5,000 - 1,000
Lobby tier 6: Rank 1000 - 250
Lobby tier 7: Rank 250 - 1.

The new rank could be displayed in a way like :

The way this rank system is set up should not require to much effort to implement as it uses a lot of the settings that are already in the game.

Long Term Aim

If this ranking system was successful then it has a lot of potential for the future. The old ranking system could be totally removed if people think that is best.

For the long term, "Esport" ranks should be reset every month (Seasons*) therefore it is a battle each month to gain the #1 spot and this keeps it highly competitive. A reward system could be added for players who achieve certain ranks as well as achievements. Some of my ideas are that top 16 players would receive a special non-trade-able 3D item that would be different depending on what "Season" they won. TC or forces / laxes could be rewarded for getting to certain Tiers. E.g. Vampire force for getting to Tier 3.

Data could be collected and Nabi Studios could use information such as the top 16 players in each season to plan world championship spots.

Potentially players could click on other players names to find out information about there best previous season rankings or even a leader board could be added to the menu where players can view statistics about who is the best from what season etc.
Please feel free to give feed back on this system, and point out any flaws and improvements that could be added.
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
I know if an alt got to the top tier he would be highly skilled, as that is how the system i said works, many alts are extremely high skilled. The reason to stop alts is nothing to do with farming or that it is just because people have that stigma against them. People in general hate them and don't think they should be allowed, often because they are banned players.

Yes maybe you are correct, and the alts thing and QI restriction should just be forgotten about. It was just a point to keep people happy.

I understand what you are saying, I too agree, but right now we are trying to come up with the simplest and working system possible. After we get a system working we could then improve it from there.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER
In terms of coding, there are players that could easily code it, I would if I knew C++ but I cant see this taking hampa over 20 minutes if he wants the system to change. However, these official "ranked" servers are likely to often be full so the best player may not be able to enter the room especially if they only log on at busy times. I'm not sure how that could be stopped with system unless more servers are created, and by the sound of it there are already problems being caused by the cost of servers.
How about something like this.

4 designated ranked rooms, supporting up to ~62 players and 2 ~'s each are set up(rooms should also print logs of matches somewhere). I don't know the specifics of how toribash handles rooms/scenes/bodies and if there can be multiple scenes per room, but essentially, the idea is, it matches players who are the closest together, while also using a randomly generated matchmaking coefficient so #1 and #2 aren't always matched together, something like: Matchmaking rating = random decimal .85 < n < 1 * elo, and places them into mini-rooms, or new rooms entirely, placing them back in the main lobby and destroying the room after the match.

possible implementation

Players can only lose rating on losses, and the very least they can gain as far as rating is concerned is 0, which will effectively clamp the top of the ranked ladder, preventing the best players from breaking the ranked system by beating low ranked people consistently. Players start off as unranked and gain/lose rating depending on if they win and lose. There are very few ways that I can see this system being abused. The top players will be the peak, the lower players will be the trough, everyone else will be in between, swapping positions at will.
Reset elo, create ranked servers (black belt and up) of some main mods with a few of them being on monthly rotation. Only in ranked servers would it be possible for you to get global and mod ranking. Every problem solved.

That is, if you don't want to do too much work and keep the current system.
Last edited by ynvaser; Jan 10, 2015 at 09:44 AM.
If I could get someone to code a working rank system, would it have a good chance of being implemented?

As a side note if anyone reads this and would like to do this, but wants some sort of reward in return I could maybe do that.
^Doubt you could do that without seeing what kind of variables the Toribash server uses to determine ranking.
To be honest, I'd like to see the code. If someone could send the relevant segment to me I could take a crack at it.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
Reset elo, create ranked servers (black belt and up) of some main mods with a few of them being on monthly rotation. Only in ranked servers would it be possible for you to get global and mod ranking. Every problem solved.

This may help fix the problem but it still leaves the biggest flaw in the current rank system, which is that people who play worse players than themselves get the largest benefit. Even if say 3 high skilled players joined one lobby and the other 7 players were noobs, it would highly depend on the que order. The highest skilled player would benefit the most but a lot of bad players would also gain a good rank.

Not sure if I explained that very clearly.

Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
^Doubt you could do that without seeing what kind of variables the Toribash server uses to determine ranking.
To be honest, I'd like to see the code. If someone could send the relevant segment to me I could take a crack at it.

Yeah I asked Sir before if normal users have access to the code to make a rank system possible, he never responded.

If you could do some sort of code that would be amazing
Last edited by FistofLife; Jan 19, 2015 at 01:08 PM.
The problem with Elo applied to a game like Toribash is that the system itself was made for Chess, a game with no random factors whatsoever. TB is just too chaotic with all the random fracs and inconsistent damage values across the board (10k rub damage ftw). It's also a lot easier to lose a game of Toribash than it is to lose a game of Chess when players of hugely disproportionate skill levels match up with each other.

I gave some thought to this, but I couldn't really come up with anything better to gauge players under vanilla circumstances. When I want to see how good people are, I just check what mods they play, their belt and their win rate, which tells me pretty much everything I need to know.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
The problem with Elo applied to a game like Toribash is that the system itself was made for Chess, a game with no random factors whatsoever. TB is just too chaotic with all the random fracs and inconsistent damage values across the board (10k rub damage ftw). It's also a lot easier to lose a game of Toribash than it is to lose a game of Chess when players of hugely disproportionate skill levels match up with each other.

I gave some thought to this, but I couldn't really come up with anything better to gauge players under vanilla circumstances. When I want to see how good people are, I just check what mods they play, their belt and their win rate, which tells me pretty much everything I need to know.

I think it's two things that decide who's the best player.

1)Sickest replays, most SP ability (prob. pusga right now, but he's poor on TC)
2)The duels. Who makes the most TC is the most solid duel (MP) player

and for both I don't need no elo, I know who these people are
A lot of good players don't duel at all, so I don't know if the success of duelers is a thing to go by. SP, I agree, but I never really enjoyed that aspect of the game so I wouldn't know.