Kamehamehair - 50k
Rudolph Nose and Antlers - 40k
1 Toxic force - 2k
1 Toxic relax - 2k
Vampire relax - 2k
Selling Flame
Id: 3465
Forger: Sean
Price: 60K
Name: Violet Legacy [rh]
1 Toxic force - 4k
1 Toxic relax - 3k
Vampire relax - 2k
9k total
no sale offer lower?
Toxic force - 3k and deal
Toxic Relax - 2.5k, won't go higher
Deal on Vamp Relax
Thats 7.5k
As for what I'm selling,
I won't offer lower on the Rudolph's nose and antlers, but I can do 48k on the kamehamehair.